根据民国时期《广西省各县石山林木保护办法》中对石山的定义,对应目前石漠化等级划分方法,把该时期的石山区解读为轻度及以上石漠化分布地区。通过对1930s国民政府参谋本部陆地测量总局编绘的1:10万广西省地形图上所绘石山范围进行数字化,并与2000年广西壮族自治区石漠化分布现状图进行比较,揭示了近70年来广西地区石漠化分布在空间上的变化。研究表明:1 1930s广西地区轻度及以上石漠化面积为31922.25 km^2,比2000年的27123.21 km^2多出4799 km^2,说明民国时期广西地区轻度及以上石漠化土地分布范围比当代的大,但在空间变迁上表现出此增彼减的变化特点;2 2000年的数据中有47个县石漠化面积比1930s的少,减少的总面积为9045.5 km^2,集中分布在广西西部和中部,都安瑶族自治县的变化最明显,近70年内减少了894.8 km^2;3 2000年有30个县的石漠化面积比1930s的多,共增加了4246 km^2,集中分布在广西东北部,其中全州县增加了556.55 km^2。
This article begins by defining the stony hills as places where light and more severe rocky desertification occurred in the Republic of China, based on an identification of stony hills found in a contemporary archive entitled Protection Regulations for Stony Hills and Forest in the Counties of Guangxi Province. We have digitized all of the stony hill areas that were depicted on 1:100 000 scale topographic maps of Guangxi by the Land Survey Bureau of General Staff Department of Nationalist Government of China in the 1930s, and we have compared them with the distribution of rocky desertification in 2000 in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region through a graphics overlaying operation, thus revealing the spatial change in the distribution of rocky desertification in Guangxi in the past 70 years. We conclude that: (1) The area of light and more severe rocky desertification in Guangxi in the 1930s comes to 31922.25 km2, which is 4799 km2 more than 27123.21 km2 in 2000. This shows that rocky desertification in the Republic of China covered a larger area than that of contemporary Guangxi. However, the spatial change varied in different areas: in some places rocky desertification increased while in others it declined. (2) The data of 2000 shows that the area of rock desertification declined in 47 counties, and that the total reduction is 9045.5 km2. The reduction was mainly observed in the western and central part of Guangxi. The most significant reduction occurred in Du'an County, being 894.8 km2 (3) The area of rocky desertification expanded in 30 counties, and the region of expansion is concentrated in northeastern Guangxi. The expansion is the greatest in Quanzhou, being 556.55 km2.
Acta Geographica Sinica
historical physical geography, rocky desertification, study of historical literature,Guangxi Area