迪达是以自交系M07-18为母本、自交系M10-155为父本配制而成的早中熟红果番茄一代杂种。植株无限生长类型,长势强,始花节位9~10节,花穗间隔3节,坐果能力强,果实圆形略扁,无果肩,果面光滑,青果青白色,熟果红色,单果质量220~250 g,硬度佳,货架期长。田间抗番茄黄化曲叶病毒病、南方根结线虫病、灰叶斑病;秋延后保护地栽培667 m2产量6 800~7 500 kg,温室栽培产量8 000 kg以上,适宜保护地栽培。
Dida is an early-medium maturity tomato F1 hybrid developed by crossing M07-18 as female parent and Ml0- 155 as male parent. It is unlimited growth type, and grows vigorously. Its first flower sets on 9th-10th node, with every three nodes setting an inflorescence. The fruit setting ability of this cuhivar is strong, and the fruit is round and fiat with smooth surface. The immature fruit is bluish white and the matured fruit is red. The single fruit weight is 220-350 g, and the fruit hardness is better. Dida is tolerant to storage and transportation, and resistant to TY, root knot nematode (RKN) and gray leaf spot. Its yields are 6 800-7 500 kg/667 m2 under protected cultivation in late autumn, and above 8 000 kg/667 m2 under greenhouse cultivation, so it is suitable to be planted in protected field.
Journal of Changjiang Vegetables