
数字化口腔修复(4)--直接数字化制造 被引量:13

Digital restorative dentistry and prosthodontics(4)——Direct digital manufacturing
摘要 虽然口腔CAD/CAM方法依然是切削系统中的主流,但是加法制造技术也能更有效、更经济地为口腔医学提供可摘义齿支架和颅面重建的个性化固定装置。伴随更多的个性化材料的发展,修复体制造业将发生由传统的金属和陶瓷向着生物适合性的高强度聚合体、陶瓷和共熔合金方向转变。直接数字化制造将定义口腔医学的未来。数字化扫描、虚拟设计和数字化制造的进步将对传统的牙体预备,印模方法、义齿加工产生冲击。数字化的口腔技工室将经历由传统工匠向懂计算机的技师方向转变,并伴随着更先进的材料的应用,而获得高产量和高质量的回报。虽然,我们还不能够抛弃过去曾经应用于口腔医学中的常规原理,但是现在,口腔界的同仁们将为了患者去挑战和拥抱数字化口腔修复的新技术。 Although milling systems have been the predominant method of dental CAD/CAM,additive manufacturing techniques for dentistry may provide the technology to produce direct dental frameworks for fixed and removable prosthetics as well as custom fixation devices for craniofacial reconstructions in a more efficient and economic manner. As more custom materials are developed,there may also be a shift from the more conventional metals and porcelains for other biocompatible,tough polymers,ceramics,and eutectic metals as dental restorative materials DDM will define how dentistry is practiced in the future,and advances in the digital processes of scanning,virtual design,and digital manufacturing of dental prostheses will have an impact on the conventional methods of tooth preparation,impression,and custom dental prostheses fabrication. Digital dental laboratories will see a shift in the traditional "craftsman" skills to a more computer savvy technician,with the potential to be more productive and provide more consistent quality with more advanced materials. Although we cannot abandon the conventional principles in how we have practiced dentistry in the past,dental professionals are now challenged to embrace new technology in digital restorative dentistry and prosthodontics for their patients.
作者 姚江武
出处 《临床口腔医学杂志》 2016年第2期119-122,共4页 Journal of Clinical Stomatology
关键词 数字化 口腔修复 制造 Digital Prosthodontics Manufacturing
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