

Analysis and Thinking of US Strategy in China-US Science and Technology Cooperation
摘要 在中美科技合作中,美国主要从维护其全球领袖地位、维护国家安全、服务战略目标以及坚持利益诉求等角度出发,思考并布局对华科技合作。鉴于此,论文分别从战略与战术层面提出了几点思考,以期中国政府能够更好地把握中美科技合作。在战略层面,中国应加强全局统筹,实现对国家利益的全局支撑;同时促进各个层面行动与目标的一致性,实现科技合作行动与国家战略的深度对应。在战术层面,中国应加强科研资源的管理和利用,把握中美科技合作的自主权;为本土企业搭建合作平台,提升企业自主创新能力;促进中美人才交流,提高两国人才素质。 China-US relationship is one of the most important bilateral relationship in the world. cooperation Between China and the United States has long been beyond the category of the two countries,and has had a profound influence on a global scale. Currently,how the United States think and layout its science and technology cooperation with China is based on four dimensions,namely maintaining its global leadership,safeguarding internal security,servicing strategic objectives and adhering to the principle of its interests demands. On this basis,this paper puts forward the coping strategies Chinese government should take in several aspects from both the strategic and tactical level. From the strategic view,China should strengthen its overall coordination of all aspects relating to China-US cooperation in order to better support the national interests of China,and also take efforts to promote consistency of actual actions and national strategic targets. From the tactical aspects,China should make good use of its science and technology resources in order to be active in China-US science and technology cooperation,build a cooperation platform for local enterprises in order to enhance their innovation capability and develop talents quality of both sides by promoting talent exchange between China and the US.
作者 陈强 陈凤娟
出处 《中国科技论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第3期150-155,共6页 Forum on Science and Technology in China
基金 科技部国际科技合作委托项目
关键词 中美 科技合作 战略分析 思考 China-US Science and technology cooperation Strategy analysis Thinking
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