Redesign of Motorized and Non-motorized Transport in Cities and Sustainable Mobility
Redesign of Motorized and Non-motorized Transport in Cities and Sustainable Mobility
Redesign of motorized and non-motorized transport in cities and sustainable mobility possibilities and utilization of already occupied areas for motorized and non-motorized transport in cities. Reserved area for public transport may be the redesign much more to take advantage of without taking up new space in cities. Redesigned solutions shown in the work of public mass transport and the redesign of non-motorized transport, bicycle and pedestrian paths point to the improved use and safety of movement of passengers, cyclists and pedestrians. This paper presents five redesigned concept designs as improving existing forms of transport and movement of cyclists and pedestrians in cities. Redesigned conceptual designs of motorized and non-motorized transport in cities should serve as ideas for the growing problems of urban development in the segment of insufficient surface for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as sustainable mobility transport people in the city.
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