
Comparison of lentiviruses pseudotyped with S proteins from coronaviruses and cell tropisms of porcine coronaviruses 被引量:2

Comparison of lentiviruses pseudotyped with S proteins from coronaviruses and cell tropisms of porcine coronaviruses
摘要 The surface glycoproteins of coronaviruses play an important role in receptor binding and cell entry. Different coronaviruses interact with their specific receptors to enter host cells. Lentiviruses pseudotyped with their spike proteins(S) were compared to analyze the entry efficiency of various coronaviruses. Our results indicated that S proteins from different coronaviruses displayed varied abilities to mediate pseudotyped virus infection. Furthermore, the cell tropisms of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV) and transmissible gastroenteritis virus(TGEV) have been characterized by live and pseudotyped viruses. Both live and pseudoviruses could infected VeroCCL-81(monkey kidney), Huh-7(human liver), and PK-15(pig kidney) cells efficiently. CCL94(cat kidney) cells could be infected efficiently by TGEV but not PEDV. Overall, our study provides new insights into the mechanisms of viral entry and forms a basis for antiviral drug screening. The surface glycoproteins of coronaviruses play an important role in receptor binding and cell entry. Different coronaviruses interact with their specific receptors to enter host cells. Lentiviruses pseudotyped with their spike proteins(S) were compared to analyze the entry efficiency of various coronaviruses. Our results indicated that S proteins from different coronaviruses displayed varied abilities to mediate pseudotyped virus infection. Furthermore, the cell tropisms of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus(PEDV) and transmissible gastroenteritis virus(TGEV) have been characterized by live and pseudotyped viruses. Both live and pseudoviruses could infected VeroCCL-81(monkey kidney), Huh-7(human liver), and PK-15(pig kidney) cells efficiently. CCL94(cat kidney) cells could be infected efficiently by TGEV but not PEDV. Overall, our study provides new insights into the mechanisms of viral entry and forms a basis for antiviral drug screening.
出处 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期49-56,共8页 中国病毒学(英文版)
基金 supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.31372440)
关键词 病毒学 临床 医学 药物学 Coronavirus spike proteins receptor binding cell entry pseudotyped virus
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