
两种抽吸模式下卷烟主流烟气成分释放量的差异 被引量:4

Yield differences for selected components in mainstream cigarette smoke under ISO and HCI smoking regimens
摘要 为应对烟草制品成分管制新的要求,以典型的不同焦油量(1.0~13.3 mg/支)的9种烤烟型和11种混合型卷烟样品为研究对象,从单支卷烟、单位烟碱和单位焦油的角度分析考察了ISO和加拿大深度抽吸(HCI)两种模式下卷烟主流烟气成分(TPM、焦油、烟碱、CO、TSNAs、B[a]P、羰基化合物、苯酚、HCN、氨和VOCs)释放量的差异。结果表明:1对于单支卷烟烟气成分释放量而言,HCI抽吸模式显著高于ISO抽吸模式,与中高焦油量(〉6.0 mg/支)卷烟样品相比,低焦油(≤6.0 mg/支)卷烟样品的烟气成分释放量在两种抽吸模式下的差异更大。2以单位烟碱计,NNN、NNK、B[a]P和1,3-丁二烯在两种抽吸模式下的释放量基本一致。低焦油样品在HCI抽吸模式下CO、甲醛、巴豆醛和HCN的单位烟碱释放量显著高于ISO抽吸模式,而对于中高焦油量卷烟样品,两种抽吸模式下4种成分的单位烟碱释放量相当。3以单位焦油计,对于NNN、NNK、B[a]P和苯酚,HCI抽吸模式下各成分的单位焦油释放量略低于ISO抽吸模式。对于CO、甲醛、巴豆醛和HCN,低焦油样品在HCI抽吸模式下单位焦油释放量高于ISO抽吸模式。 To meet different requirements for mainstream smoke composition regulations, yields of total particulate matter(TPM), tar, nicotine, CO, tobacco specific nitrosamines(TSNAs), benzo[a]pyrene(B[a]P),selected carbonyl compounds, phenol, HCN, NH3 and selected volatile organic compounds(VOCs) in mainstream smoke were determined under ISO and Health Canada Intense(HCI) smoking regimens from 9Virginia type cigarettes and 11 blended type cigarettes with tar levels ranged from 1.0 to 13.3 mg/cig. The results showed that: 1)For single cigarette, the yields of the above components determined under HCI regimen were significantly higher than those under ISO regimen; the differences between ISO and HCI regimens were greater for low tar(≤6 mg/cig) cigarettes than those with high/moderate tar levels. 2) On per unit nicotine basis, the yields of NNN, NNK, B[a]P and 1,3-butadiene determined under the two regimens were basically the same. The yields of CO, formaldehyde, crotonaldehyde and HCN in mainstream smoke of low tar cigarettes determined under HCI regimen were higher than those under ISO regimen, however those of high tar(6 mg/cig)cigarettes were similar under the two regimens. 3)On per unit tar basis, the yields of NNN, NNK, B[a]P and phenol in mainstream cigarette smoke determined under HCI regimen were slightly lower than those under ISO regimen; however the yields of CO, formaldehyde, crotonaldehyde and HCN in mainstream smoke of low tar cigarettes determined under HCI regimen were higher than those under ISO regimen.
出处 《烟草科技》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期55-61,共7页 Tobacco Science & Technology
基金 中国烟草总公司科技重点项目"国内外卷烟主要有害成分释放量中位值及其影响因素研究"(110201302008)
关键词 烟草制品 抽吸模式 主流烟气 卷烟 单位烟碱 单位焦油 Tobacco product Smoking regimen Mainstream cigarette smoke Cigarette Per unit nicotine Perunit tar
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