
1980~2013年安徽霾天气变化趋势及可能成因 被引量:32

The Trend of Haze in Anhui Province from 1980 to 2013 and the Possible Reasons
摘要 对1980~2013年安徽省霾日数的时空变化趋势及可能原因进行了分析,结果表明:(1)1980年以来,霾天气年均发生日数总体呈上升趋势,年际波动较大。不同年代,霾高发区的位置不同:20世纪80年代平均为5.5 d,沿江到江淮之间有零星的高发区;20世纪90年代平均为8.5 d,高发区在沿江中西部的望江和池州、省会合肥、淮北北部的萧县和灵璧;2000年代,平均发生日数为8.7 d,有3个高发区,分别是以合肥为中心的江淮之间中部、沿淮中部地区和沿江中东部地区。(2)按地理位置把安徽省分为6个子区,不同子区年霾日数的变化趋势不同:皖南山区变化较平缓,沿淮地区2000年后上升明显,淮北北部和沿江有先升后降的趋势。(3)地级市平均霾日数呈显著上升的趋势,而县城霾日数上升速度缓慢,且在2008年之后有下降趋势。(4)城市化和汽车拥有量激增导致氮氧化物排放量快速增多,可能是2000年之后地级市霾日数显著增多的主要因子,而县城霾日数变化的驱动因子可能是气候变化原因,如东亚季风强度的变化。 The spatial and yearly trends of haze during 1980–2013 in Anhui Province and its possible reasons were analyzed based on daily observations from ground-level stations. The effects of urbanization, industrialization and climate change on haze were discussed through an analysis of trends in haze frequency at urban(town) sites and comparison with provincial coal consumption, SO2 emission, tropospheric NO2 column content, vehicle usage and East Asia monsoon index. The main conclusions were as follows:(1) The number of annual haze days averaged over all sites increased evidently with large fluctuations. The zones with frequent haze were different in different periods. During the 1980 s, the provincial annual average haze days was 5.5 d, with scattered high values from the zone near the Yangtze River to the Huaihe River. During the 1990 s, the provincial annual average haze days was 8.5 d, with high values at some county sites and Hefei, the capital city. During the 2000 s, the provincial annual average haze days was 8.7 d, with three evident high-value zones in the central area between the Yangtze River and Huaihe River, the central area along the Huaihe River, and the central to the eastern area along the Yangtze River, respectively.(2) Based on geographical locations, the province was divided into six sub-regions and the annual haze days averaged over all sites in each sub-region showed different trends. For example, it varied gently in southern Anhui, increased rapidly since 2000 in the region along the Huaihe River, and first increased and then decreased in the region north to the Huaihe River and the region along the Yangtze River.(3) Based on site locations, all sites were divided into two groups: urban sites and town sites. The number of annual haze days increased evidently at the urban sites, while it increased slowly at the town sites until 2008, and then decreased.(4) Urbanization and the rapid increase of car usage, which led to a rapid increase of NOx emissions, might be the major impact factors involved in the evident increase of haze days at urban sites; whereas, the driving factor of variation of haze days at town sites is likely to be climate change, e.g., the intensity of the monsoon in East Asia.
出处 《大气科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期357-370,共14页 Chinese Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
基金 公益性行业(气象)科研专项GYHY201206011 大气边界层物理和大气化学国家重点实验室开放课题LAPC-KF-2011-05 安徽省自然科学基金项目1608085MD84~~
关键词 工业化 城市化 东亚季风指数 安徽省 Haze Industrialization Urbanization East Asia monsoon Index Anhui Province
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