
环指蛋白180在食管鳞癌组织的表达及临床意义 被引量:3

Expression and clinical significance of ring finger protein 180 in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
摘要 目的检测食管鳞癌组织及相应正常组织中的环指蛋白180(RNF180)表达,探讨RNF180在食管癌中表达的临床意义。方法应用免疫组织化学染色技术检测63例食管鳞癌患者术中癌组织及其对应的正常组织中RNF180蛋白的表达,同时分析食管鳞癌中RNF180的表达与临床病理特征及患者生存期的关系。结果RNF180在63例食管鳞癌组织及相应正常组织中的低表达率分别为66.7%(21/63)、0%(0/100);RNF180在食管鳞癌中的表达与T分期(P〈0.01)、N分期(P〈0.01)、临床TNM分期(P〈0.01)及神经浸润(P〈0.01)密切相关。Kaplan—Meier生存分析结果表明,食管鳞癌患者的总生存期与RNF180表达水平、神经浸润、脉管瘤栓、T分期、N分期及TNM分期显著相关(P〈0.05),在食管鳞癌患者中RNFl80蛋白低表达者的生存率明显低于RNF180蛋白高表达者(P〈0.01)。结论RNF180下调与食管鳞癌的发生及发展密切相关,并提示预后不良。 Objective To measure the protein expression and clinical significance of ring finger protein 180 (RNF180) in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) tissues and normal tissues. Meth- ods The immunohistochemical staining technique was applied to test the expression of RNF180 protein in tumor tissues and corresponding normal tissues from 63 patients. We analyze the relationship of the RNF180 expression with clinicopathological parameters and survival in patients with ESCC. Results The RNF180 low expression proportions in 63 ESCC tissues and relevant normal tissues were 66. 7% (21/63) and 0 (0/100) respectively. A X2 test revealed that low expression of RNF180 was significantly associated with T stage (P 〈0. 01 ), lymph node metastasis (P 〈0. 01 ), TNM stage (P 〈0. 01 ) and neural invasion (P 〈 0. 01 ). Kaplan -Meier survival analysis showed that the overall survival of patients with ESCC was correlated to the expression level of RNF180, neural invasion, vascular invasion, depth of invasion, lymph node metastasis and TNM stage (P 〈 0. 05 ). Moreover, low -expression of RNF180 was associated with poor survival (P 〈 0. 01; logrank test). Conclusion There is an intimate relation between RNF180 down - regulation and the occurrence and development of ESCC, suggesting that RNF180 may be a potential marker for prognostic evaluation.
出处 《中华实验外科杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期516-519,共4页 Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
基金 国家自然科学基金(81172081、81572822) 浙江省科技重大专项(2011C13039-1) 浙江省卫生高层次创新人才培养工程项目 浙江省新世纪151人才工程重点资助项目 浙江省胸部肿瘤(肺、食管)诊治技术研究重点实验室专项基金
关键词 食管鳞癌 环指蛋白180 免疫组织化学 Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma Ring finger protein 180 Immunohistochemistry
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