永平铜矿选矿厂处理能力为10000 t/d。为了提高破碎处理能力,本着多碎少磨的原则,永平铜矿2010年完成了碎矿Ⅰ#系统三台HP500高性能圆锥破碎机替代原有三台国产φ2200圆锥破碎机的一系列生产改造。改造后各项破碎指标有较大改善,其中碎矿最终产品粒度-9mm达78 %以上,比改造前-9mm含量62.05%提高了16个百分点。
The concentrator treatment capacity of Yongping Copper Mine was 10kt/d. In order to improving crushing capability and based on the principle of more crushing and less grinding, a series of production reform was completed in 2010, three domestic made PY2200 cone crushers for crushing system(I#) were replaced by three HP500 high-performance cone crushers. The Various crushing index have improved obviously after transformation, the final crushed product size(-9mm) quantities contained rate were more than 78%, which was 16% higher than former 62.05%-9mm contained rate before transformation.
Copper Engineering