
多态不确定环境下生产与运输方案的优化方法 被引量:2

Optimization to Planning of Production and Transportation under Polymorphic Uncertain Environment
摘要 研究了一类生产运输问题的优化模型,其中产地可供应量、机器可使用最大时间为模糊参数,市场需求和生产单位产品时间随机参数,在产地可供应量,市场需求,预算,产地机器可运转时间,目的地库存空间等约束下,该模型同时优化了生产运输的总成本和运输时间.基于修正后的S型曲线隶属函数和机会约束规划方法,推导了原模型的确定型等价式,并据此设计了寻求满意生产与运输方案的交互式算法。 This article studies a problem of production and transportation planning,where the supply amount and the maximal machine capacity available are fuzzy,the demand and the work time of machine for unit product are random.The constructed model aims to simultaneously minimize the total distribution costs and the total delivery time with constraints such as the amount of supply available,the total budget for each resource,the demand and the warehouse space.On the basis of S-curve membership and chance constrained programming,a deterministic equivalent formulation is obtained for the original uncertain optimization model,and an interactive algorithm is designed to find a satisfactory scheme of planning the production and transportation.
出处 《数学的实践与认识》 北大核心 2016年第5期168-178,共11页 Mathematics in Practice and Theory
基金 国家自然科学基金(71221061 71210003)
关键词 生产与运输 机会约束规划 隶属函数 多目标规划 production and transportation chance constrained programming membership functions multi-objective program
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