

Ultimate bearing capacity and failure criterion analysis for slab-column connections with low reinforcement ratios based on Opensees
摘要 为研究低配筋率与不同尺度钢筋混凝土板柱节点的极限冲切承载力及破坏准则,基于Open SEES计算平台对3组不同尺寸(足尺、缩尺和2倍尺寸)的低配筋率板柱节点试件进行网格梁模型建模及参数分析,计算结果和试验结果吻合较好,表明该网格梁模型对低配筋率和不同尺度的板柱节点抗冲切性能模拟的适用性。将利用Muttoni的破坏准则、中国规范的极限承载力计算结果及试验数据进行对比分析。研究表明:破坏准则和中国规范在低配筋时计算结果与试验结果均存在显著差异,但中高配筋率破坏准则表现较好的适应性,建议我国规范修订中适当参考Muttoni所提出的破坏准则。当低配筋率时,由于尺寸效应造成板柱节点的抗冲切承载力和延性随着板厚的增加而降低。 In order to study ultimate punching shear strength and failure criterion of low reinforcement ratio and different scale reinforced concrete slab column connection,this paper proposed a grid beam mode for three group low rate of reinforcement plate column specimens of different sizes( full size,reduced size and two times of size) based on Open SEES,and performed parametric analysis. The results of the method are in good agreement with the experimental ones,showing that this model is available for punching resistance simulation. Using Muttoni failure criterion,the computed result of Chinese code and experimental data to compare and analyze shows that the results of the failure criterion and the Chinese code in the low reinforcement are significant difference with experimental data but failure criterion have good adaptability on medium to high reinforcement ratio. Suggesting that the revise of Chinese code should appropriate reference Muttoni failure criterion. Because of the size effect making punching shear capacity and ductility plate column connection lower with the increase of the thickness of plating on low reinforcement ratio.
出处 《世界地震工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期228-236,共9页 World Earthquake Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51278164) 河北省自然科学基金资助项目(E2014209221) 华北理工大学2015年研究生创新项目(2015S08)
关键词 板柱节点 OPENSEES 网格梁模型 低配筋率 破坏准则 plate column connection OpenSEES grid beam model low reinforcement ratio failure criterion
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