
超弹性形状记忆合金螺旋弹簧恢复力的数值模拟 被引量:5

Numerical simulation of restoring force of superelastic shape memory alloy helical spring
摘要 形状记忆合金(SMAs)在土木工程被动控制领域的研究近年来得到了极大的关注。研究人员已经提出了多种含有SMA丝的隔震器和阻尼器,大尺寸SMA超弹性螺旋弹簧是一种可输出较大位移的阻尼器。由于以往在结构防震减灾领域有关SMA螺旋弹簧力学性能的研究较少,因此在Liang和Rogers提出的SMA应力-应变本构模型的基础上,针对SMA螺旋弹簧恢复力特性建立了一种便于工程应用的新型宏观模型,并利用MATLAB程序进行了数值模拟以验证所提出模型的适用性和正确性。研究结果表明:SMA螺旋弹簧具有较好的复位和耗能能力;同时,根据该宏观模型得到的数值模拟结果与其他学者的试验研究结果吻合较好。总的来看,数值模拟方法可较准确描述超弹性弹簧的力学行为,且方便在现有常规结构软件中实现。 Shape memory alloys( SMAs) have greatly attracted much attention as intelligent material that can be use in passive control devices in recent years. To reduce seismic response of civil structures,some researchers proposed isolators and dampers with SMA wires. The large-scale SMA helical spring is a type of smart damper with an important capacity in reaching large elongation. However,studies on the superelastic spring for seismic protection of structures have not been reported widely up to now. Based on the stress-strain constitutive model of SMA developed by Liang and Rogers,a new macroscopic model is established to facitliate the application of SMA springs to practical engineering. Numerical studies are carried out by using Matlab program to verify the feasibility and accuracy of the proposed model. The investigation results show that the superelastic SMA springs exhibit excellent capacity of re-centering and energy dissipation. Also,the numerical results from such a new analytical model match the experimental reults of other researchers very well. In summary,the presented modeling scheme can be utilized to closely capture the mechanical behavior of the SMA springs and immediately implemented in current versions of structural analysis software.
出处 《世界地震工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第1期237-244,共8页 World Earthquake Engineering
基金 北京市自然科学基金资助项目(8132024) 北京市优秀人才培养资助项目(2011D005017000006)
关键词 形状记忆合金(SMA) 超弹性 螺旋弹簧 恢复力模型 数值模拟 shape memory alloy(SMA) superelasticity helical spring restoring force model numerical simulation
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