
基于G.729b的VOIP流媒体信息隐藏方法 被引量:3

Steganographic method of VOIP streaming media based on G.729b algorithm
摘要 针对低速率语音压缩编码隐藏容量低和隐蔽性不强等不足,根据VOIP流媒体语音背景噪声平稳且存在约60%语音静默期的特点,提出一种在G.729b语音编解码过程中隐藏机密信息的方法。通过改进G.729b的编解码原理,在静音检测模块获取背景噪声特征参数后,把静态机密语音信息装载到VOIP语音的静音帧内伪装背景噪声进行信息隐秘传输,在接收端获取机密语音并重构载体语音。实验结果表明,在保证语音质量的前提下,该方法具有960bps以上的隐藏容量和很好的隐蔽性能。 In view of the small capacity and poor concealment of the low-rate speech code steganography,according to the 60% mute period and steady characteristic of VOIP voice,a method was proposed in which confidential information was carried in the process of speech coding.The codec principle of G.729 bwas modified,the characteristic parameters of the background noise was got by the voice activity detector,and static confidential voice information was loaded into the VOIP voice silent frame to disguise as the background noise,then confidential voice was acquired and carrier voice was reconstructed at the receiving end.The experimental results show that the method has more than 960 bps of the hiding capacity and good concealment performance on the premise of guaranteeing the quality of voice.
作者 吴秋玲 吴蒙
出处 《计算机工程与设计》 北大核心 2016年第3期618-622,共5页 Computer Engineering and Design
基金 江苏省普通高校研究生科研创新计划基金项目(KYLX_0815) 江苏省高校自然科学研究重点基金项目(10KJA510035)
关键词 语音编码 信息隐藏 流媒体 静音检测 隐蔽性 speech codec information hiding streaming media silent detection concealment
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