目的 :了解近9年来北京大学口腔医院就诊患者中HIV抗体筛查现状和特征,对口腔医疗机构艾滋早期识别和防控提出管理对策。方法:采用描述流行病学研究方法对抗体筛查发现的HIV感染者进行回顾分析。结果:2005—2013年间共对68562例口腔病患者进行HIV抗体筛查,发现HIV感染病例31例,HIV筛查阳性率为0.045%。其中男25例,女6例;感染者以20~40岁青、中年为主,占61.29%;职业以从事商业服务为主,多为初中以上文化程度;性传播途径占74.19%,其中男男同性恋占34.78%。感染者多在门诊科室发现,其中口腔黏膜科发现比例最高,占70.97%。结论 :口腔专科医院HIV感染筛查阳性率略低于综合医院,应加强医务人员艾滋防控意识,加大对高危科室如口腔黏膜病科、牙周病科就诊患者的HIV筛查力度、扩展筛查范围,提倡主动开展艾滋检测咨询服务。
PURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence and characteristics of HIV patients found in Peking University Hospital of Stomatology during 9 years, and provide management strategy for early diagnosis and control of HIV in Stomatology Hospital. METHODS: A retrospective study of the HIV positive patients diagnosed by HIV antibody screening was carried out. The related information about these patients found in Peking University School of Stomatology during 2005-2013 was obtained from China Disease Control Information System. RESULTS: 68562 patients accepted HIV antibody screening in Peking University Hospital of Stomatology during 2005-2013. Thirty one patients were found HIV antibody positive. The ratio of HIV antibody positive was about 0.045%, which was composed of 25 males and 6 females. 61.29% patients aged between 20-40 years, and their career was mainly commercial service with a education level of junior high school. The proportion of sexual route of transmission was about 74.91%, and 34.78% of them were male homosexuality. Most of the patients with HIV antibody positive were found in the out-patient clinic, especially in the department of oral mucosal diseases, accounting for 70.97% .CONCLUSIONS: HIV antibody positive rate in Peking University School of Stomatology was slightly lower than that in general hospitals. Medical staff should increase their awareness of AIDS prevention and control, for higher HIV risk departments, such as oral mucosal diseases and periodontal disease, efforts should be made to increase HIV screening, expand the scope of screening, and promote provider-initiated HIV testing and counseling.
Shanghai Journal of Stomatology
Human immune deficiency virus Infection
Antibody screening