针对WL343HQ多叶型紫花苜蓿品种在新疆推广种植,采用测土配方"3414"回归最优设计方案,研究不同氮、磷、钾组合对苜蓿产量、品质及效益的影响。结果表明:不同施氮、磷、钾量对苜蓿产量均有显著影响,氮肥增产效应主要表现在施纯N 30 kg/hm^2水平上,随着氮肥量的增加苜蓿增产幅度呈递减趋势;磷肥对苜蓿产量的增产效应是非常明显,在施P2O_5135 kg/hm^2水平时对应的苜蓿产量开始下降;钾肥对苜蓿产量的增产效应不是非常明显。N、P、K配比施用,影响苜蓿干草产量高低顺序为磷肥>氮肥>钾肥;最佳施肥量为纯N 49.3kg/hm^2、P_2O_583.4 kg/hm^2、K_20 33.4 kg/hm^2,产量达到20 641.2 kg/hm^2,氮肥、磷肥、钾肥的最佳施用比例为0.56∶1∶0.34;施肥对苜蓿品质的改善均有积极的影响。经济效益表现最好的处理为施纯N 30 kg/hm^2、P_2O_590 kg/hm^2、K_2O 20 kg/hm^2,产投比为6.1。
According to promote the planting of WL343HQ multifoliate alfalfa varieties in Xinjiang,the test used soil testing formula scheme of "3414"optimized regression design to study the effect of different combined appliaation of N, P and K on yield, quality and benefit of alfalfa.The results showed that different amount of nitrogen,phosphorus and potassium had significant effects on alfalfa yield.The yield increasing effect of nitrogen fertilizer was mainly expressed on the level of pure nitrogen amount of 30 kg/hm2,and the alfalfa yield showed a decreasing trend with the rising of nitrogen fertilizer application amount ;The yield increasing effect of phosphate fertilizer was very obvious.At the level of phosphours amount of 135 kg/hm2,alfalfa yield began to decline;But the yield increasing effect of potassium fertilizer was not very obvious. According to the ratio of N,P,K fertilizer application, the yield increasing effects order was P fertilizer 〉N fertilizer〉K fertilizer ;when the optimum quantity of fertilizer applied were N 49.3 kg/hm2,p2O5 83.4 kg/hm2,K2O 33.4 kg/hm2,the yield reached up to 20 641.2 kg/hm2,the best ratio of N,P.K were 0.56:1:0.34. The results showed that fertilization had a positive impact on the alfollfa quality and yield quality of alfalfa,and the best economic benefit was pure N 30 kg/hm2,P2O5 90 kg/hm2, K20 20 kg/hm2,its value to cost ratio was 6.1.
Modern Agricultural Science and Technology
muhifoliate alfalfa
ratio of N. P,K fertilizer
fertilization effect
alfalfa quality
value to cost ratio