
蘑菇属中国新记录种——松林蘑菇 被引量:1

Agaricus cupressophilus, a New Record in China
摘要 根据形态特征及基于ITS序列的系统发育分析,作者对采自云南丽江老君山大型真菌标本ZRL2014261进行了研究,经鉴定为蘑菇属(Agaricus)一新记录种——松林蘑菇(A.cupressophilus Kerrigan)。该种最初描述于美国。该文对该种的形态学特征进行了详细描述,并附有相关形态特征照片。标本保存于中国科学院微生物研究所菌物标本馆。 During study on macrofungi from Laojun Mountain National Natural Reserve, Lijiang, Yunnan province, we charac terized a specimen ZRL2014261 by morphological and ITS data. It was identified as Agaricus cupressophilus, which was origi nally described from North America and is firstly reported from China. The morphological description of this species is proved, along with a color plate. The specimen was preserved in Herbaria of Institute of Microbial Fungi,the Chinese Academy of Sci ences.
出处 《中国食用菌》 2016年第2期7-9,17,共4页 Edible Fungi of China
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(31000013 31360014 31470152)
关键词 蘑菇属 蘑菇科 新记录种 中国 Agarieus Agarieaceae new record China
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