
农地流转对农业生态系统的影响 被引量:12

Impact of farmland transfer on agro-ecosystem
摘要 为评价农业经营方式转变带来的生态环境效应,本研究选取重庆市荣昌县农地流转典型区域,结合实地调查和能值分析方法,分别以普通农户和经营大户的投入和产出表征农地流转前后的农业生态系统投入和产出,对研究区农地流转前后农业生态系统能值变化进行了对比分析。结果表明,农地流转后研究区农业生态系统的购买能值投入较流转前减少70.48%,能值产出增加2.15%。这使得农业生态系统的净能值产出率由农地流转前的0.01增加到流转后的0.04,提高了300%。农业机械对人工的替代是单位投入减少的最主要因素,从而使得农业生产效率得到大幅度提升。对于可更新系数小于系统可更新系数的单项投入来讲,减少其投入量能够使系统的环境负载率降低;对于可更新系数大于系统可更新系数的单项投入来讲,增加其投入量能够使系统的环境负载率降低。但是研究区农业生态系统单项投入的变化均使得环境压力有所增大。其中,人力投入大幅度减少,电力柴油等投入有不同程度地增加。因此,研究区农业生态系统的环境负载率由农地流转前的0.12增加到流转后的0.65,提高441.67%;可持续性指标由流转前的0.08降低到流转后的0.06,生态可持续性降低25.00%。研究发现,适度规模经营能够有效降低生产成本,增强产品的市场竞争力;不过,种植结构调整高附加值化和高产量追求,导致农药化肥等购买资源大幅度地增加,加剧了农业生态系统潜在的生态环境风险。研究认为,农业生态系统可持续发展的关键在于对农业集约化发展方式的选择。为此,国家在引导农地流转和发展适度规模经营的政策体系中需对此给予指导并施以规范。 Farmland transfer, supported by both the national and local governments, has largely promoted the transformation of agricultural management and modernization. Specifically, the increasing scope and scale of farmland transfer dramatically changed the industrial structure and input-output of agriculture. Thus farmland transfer has a significant effect on the agro-ecosystem. To assess eco-environmental effects of the transformation of the mode of agricultural management due to farmland transfer, this study analyzed three aspects of farmland transfer ― production efficiency, environmental impact and overall sustainability of agro-ecosystems. This was done in a case study of Rongchang County in Chongqing, China. To do that, the input-output of ordinary farmers and agricultural contractors, which respectively represented the agricultural management patterns before and after farmland transfer, was analyzed. The emergy evaluation method used proved to be effective in analyzing the efficiency and sustainability of ecosystems. Emergy evaluation method overcame the weakness of traditional methods of energy analysis as it integrated different forms of energy into a common physical basis known as solar emergy. This method took multiple important factors into consideration(e.g., natural resources, labor and ecosystem services), generally neglected in other similar methods. The results showed that the input for purchasing resources decreased by 70.48% while emergy output increased by 2.15% after farmland transfer. Thus emergy yield ratio(EYR) changed from 0.01 before farmland transfer to 0.04 after that, which represented an increase of 300.00%. This increase was mainly due to agricultural machinery input rather than labor force input, which lowered the overall input and increased the efficiency of production. For a single input item, when its' renewability factor was less than that of the ecosystem, decreasing input reduced the environmental loading ratio(ELR); for the item, whose renewability factor was higher than that of the ecosystem and vice versa. The decline in labor force together with the increase in pesticide and fertilizer use increased the environmental load of an ecosystem. Thus ELR changed from 0.12 to 0.65, which was a rise of 441.67% after farmland transfer. Emergy sustainability index(ESI) changed from 0.08 to 0.06, a decline of 25.00%. This indicated that the moderate increase in farmland for a household significantly reduced the cost of agricultural production and increased the market competitiveness of agricultural products. However, in modern agriculture, the drive for increased output and added values of agricultural products had substantially increased the use of pesticides and fertilizers. This has in turn intensified the potential risks of agro-ecosystems. In summary, an intensive agricultural development mode should be carefully selected and adopted in order to achieve the goals of sustainable agro-ecosystems. Therefore national policies should pay more attention to the selection of agricultural modes during the process of farmland transfer and scaling farmland cultivation.
出处 《中国生态农业学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期335-344,共10页 Chinese Journal of Eco-Agriculture
基金 国家科技支撑计划(2013BAJ11B02) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(XDJK2013C070)资助~~
关键词 农地流转 农业生态系统 能值分析 生产效率 可持续发展 Farmland transfer Agroecosystem Emergy evaluation Production efficiency Sustainable development
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