
Structure improvement and strength finite element analysis of VHP welded rotor of 700℃ USC steam turbine

Structure improvement and strength finite element analysis of VHP welded rotor of 700℃ USC steam turbine
摘要 The optimized structure strength design and finite element analysis method for very high pressure (VHP) rotors of the 700℃ ultra-super-critical (USC) steam turbine are presented. The main parameters of steam and the steam thermal parameters of blade stages of VHP welded rotors as well as the start and shutdown curves of the steam turbine are determined. The structure design feature, the mechanical models and the typical position of stress analysis of the VHP welded rotors are introduced. The steady and transient finite element analysis are implemented for steady condition, start and shutdown process, including steady rated condition, 110% rated speed, 120% rated speed, cold start, warm start, hot start, very hot start, sliding-pressure shutdown, normal shutdown and emergency shutdown, to obtain the temperature and stress distribution as well as the stress ratio of the welded rotor. The strength design criteria and strength analysis results of the welded rotor are given. The results show that the strength design of improved structure of the VHP welded rotor of the 700℃ USC steam turbine is safe at the steady condition and during the transient start or shutdown process. The optimized structure strength design and finite element analysis method for very high pressure (VHP) rotors of the 700℃ ultra-super-critical (USC) steam turbine are presented. The main parameters of steam and the steam thermal parameters of blade stages of VHP welded rotors as well as the start and shutdown curves of the steam turbine are determined. The structure design feature, the mechanical models and the typical position of stress analysis of the VHP welded rotors are introduced. The steady and transient finite element analysis are implemented for steady condition, start and shutdown process, including steady rated condition, 110% rated speed, 120% rated speed, cold start, warm start, hot start, very hot start, sliding-pressure shutdown, normal shutdown and emergency shutdown, to obtain the temperature and stress distribution as well as the stress ratio of the welded rotor. The strength design criteria and strength analysis results of the welded rotor are given. The results show that the strength design of improved structure of the VHP welded rotor of the 700℃ USC steam turbine is safe at the steady condition and during the transient start or shutdown process.
出处 《Frontiers in Energy》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第1期88-104,共17页 能源前沿(英文版)
关键词 700℃ ultra-super-critical unit steam turbine very high pressure rotor structure strength design strength design criteria finite element analysis 700℃ ultra-super-critical unit, steam turbine, very high pressure rotor, structure strength design, strength design criteria, finite element analysis
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