
逼近最小和译码性能的并行多比特翻转译码算法研究 被引量:1

Parallel Multi-Bit Flipping Decoding with Near Min-Sum Decoding Performance
摘要 相比于最小和译码算法,LDPC码的另外一种译码算法——比特翻转译码算法实现更简单,但其性能有较大恶化。最近提出的有噪梯度下降比特翻转译码(NGDBF)算法性能相比简单的比特翻转算法性能有明显提高,但该算法一次翻转一个比特限制了其应用。结合并行加权比特翻转译码(PWBF)中翻转标记的思想,本文提出了一种NGDBF译码的改进算法——并行NGDBF译码及其自适应形式,克服了PWBF译码对行重/列重较小的LDPC码性能不佳的缺陷。仿真表明:并行NGDBF译码的性能优于相应的NGDBF译码,其自适应形式不仅性能逼近最小和译码,而且实现简单。 Compared to min-sum algorithm,bit-flipping algorithm for decoding of low-density parity-check( LDPC) codes can be implemented with lower complexity,but perform worse. There are increased interests on improving the performance of bit-flipping algorithm without much increase of complexity,and a recent progress is the development of the noisy gradient descent bit-flip( NGDBF) algorithm. In this paper,we propose a parallel version of NGDBF( P-NGDBF) algorithm by borrowing some ideas from parallel weighted bit-flipping( PWBF) decoding,which shows its performance favor for low row /column weight LDPC matrices. Simulations shows that the P-NGDBF algorithm has better decoding performance and its adaptive version can perform very close to the min-sum algorithm.
作者 褚楚 吴晓富
出处 《信号处理》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期214-219,共6页 Journal of Signal Processing
基金 国家自然科学基金(61372123) 南京邮电大学科研启动基金(NY213002)
关键词 比特翻转译码 低密度奇偶校验码 有噪梯度下降译码 并行加权比特翻转译码 bit-flipping decoding low-density parity-check(LDPC) codes noisy gradient descent bit-flip(NGDBF) decoding parallel weighted bit-flipping(PWBF) decoding
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