
远期运费协议价格波动与交易量相关性研究——基于VAR-EGARCH-X模型的实证分析 被引量:1

Research on Correlation between Price Fluctuation and Trading Volume of Forward Freight Agreement——EmpiricalAnalysis based on VAR-EGARCH-XModel
摘要 针对全球金融危机后航运金融市场的巨变,运用VAR-EGARCH-X模型,研究从2007第三季度至2014年第四季度的干散货远期市场中远期运费协议价格波动与交易量的关系。结论显示FFA价格变化将造成交易量变动,表明更高的资本收益会鼓励更多的交易,但交易量的变动对FFA价格变化的影响极为有限。然而,交易量与价格波动性之间存在着同一时期的正相关,符合金融市场的实际表现与混合分布假说理论。最后发现,价格波动幅度的扩大会导致FFA交易量的减少。 Aiming at the changes of shipping financial market after global financial crisis, this paper uses VAR-EGARCH-X model to study the relationship between the price fluctuation in forward freight agreement in dry bulk forward market and trading volume from Quarter 3, 2007 to Quarter 4, 2014. The conclusion reveals that FFA price change will result in trading volume change, which indicates the higher capital profit will encourage more trade, but the influence of trading volume change on FFA price is very limited. Whereas, there is contemporaneous positive correlation between trading volume and price fluctuation, and it is in accordance with the practical behavior of financial market and mixture distribution hypothesis theory. Eventually, the enlargement in price fluctuation will reduce the FFA trading volume.
出处 《价格月刊》 北大核心 2016年第2期1-6,共6页
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(编号:51409157) 教育部人文社会科学研究项目(编号:14YJC630008)
关键词 航运金融 远期运费协议 价格波动 交易量 shipping finance forward freight agreement price fluctuation trading volume
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