
无刷直流电机中霍尔传感器芯片设计 被引量:2

Design of the Hall Sensor for the Brushless DC Motor
摘要 针对正弦波无刷直流电机中霍尔传感器的开关点高对称性要求,设计了一款采用新型迟滞比较器的霍尔传感器。通过Silvaco TCAD仿真软件确定了霍尔盘的磁灵敏度等参数,并利用4个方形霍尔盘对称布局结构以减小失调电压。相比于传统的施密特触发器,所提出的新型迟滞比较器采用完全镜像的电路结构来保证其开关点的对称及其精确设定。采用CSMC 2μm双极工艺对设计进行流片验证,测试结果表明,该霍尔传感器的工作点和释放点的磁感应强度平均值分别为5.57 m T和-5.60 m T,漂移误差为±1.00 m T,等效失调电压为±0.20 m V,具有较小的漂移误差和失调电压以及稳定的温度特性,满足实际需求,具有良好的应用前景。 To meet the high symmetrical requirements of switching points in sinusoidal brushless DC motor application,a Hall sensor with novel hysteresis comparator was designed. Using Silvaco TCAD simulator the process parameters were determined,such as magnetic sensitivity. The offset voltage was significantly reduced through layout optimization,where a symmetric quad cell design was developed. Compared with the traditional Schmitt trigger,the proposed hysteresis comparator adopted completely mirrored circuits,so that the symmetry and precision of the switching points were guaranteed. The circuit was implemented in CSMC 2 μm Bipolar process. The test results show that the operate and release point of the Hall sensor are 5. 57 m T and-5. 60 m T respectively,with ±1. 00 m T drift error and ±0. 20 m V equivalent offset voltage. The Hall sensor has the advantages of low drift error,low offset voltage and stable temperature characteristics. It meets practical requirements and has good prospects for application.
出处 《半导体技术》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期186-191,共6页 Semiconductor Technology
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51377159) 中国科学院先导专项资助项目(XDA06010705) 苏州市科技计划项目资助项目(SYG201335) 国家科技重大专项资助项目(2014ZX03003009)
关键词 无刷直流电机 霍尔传感器 迟滞比较器 低失调 开关点 brushless DC motor Hall sensor hysteresis comparator low offset switching point
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