
进一步深化中国近代思潮研究的理论思考 被引量:1

A Theoretical Thinking of How to Deepen the Study of Modern Chinese Ideological Trends
摘要 我们要进一步深化中国近代思潮研究,第一,就必须对"思潮"的涵义进行研究和讨论,搞清楚自西方传入的"思潮"在西方的"本义",以及我们是在什么样的涵义下使用西方传入的这些"思潮"之概念的,二者之间的差异何在。至于那些学术界存在着不同理解的非外来的"思潮"概念,我们要经过讨论,达成基本共识。同时,要特别注意多种思潮在某一思想家身上的重叠。第二,要加强对中国近代思潮的中外思想资源的研究,搞清传入中国的西方思潮在西方的生成、发展、流派、演变,以及它们是何时和如何传入中国的,其生成、发展、流派和演变对中国的影响,搞清中国本土的思想资源是如何影响中国知识界对西方思潮的选择和接受的。第三,在研究思潮史时,必须把研究对象放置于历史发展的脉络中,动态地研究它们在不同历史阶段或时期的演变,这样才能对它们做出实事求是的科学评价,尤其要重视世界局势的变化,特别是西方局势的变化对中国近代思潮发展和演变的影响。第四,除了要动态地研究近代思潮在不同历史阶段或时期的演变外,还应加强对近代不同思潮之间相互关系的研究,特别是相互影响、相互吸纳的研究。 We should make further efforts to deepen the study of modern Chinese ideological trends. Firstly,we must study and discuss the content of ideological trends,clear up the "original meanings"of the incoming "thoughts"in the west,understand the meanings of these concepts of western incoming "ideas " when we use them,and figure out where the differences lie between them. As for different understandings of the non-exotic "thoughts"in academia,we need to go through the discussion and reach a basic consensus. At the same time,we have to pay particular attention to the overlapping of diverse thoughts in certain thinkers. Secondly,we should strengthen the study of Chinese and foreign resources in modern Chinese ideological trends to find out the genre,evolution,and development of the western ideological trends in the west introduced into China. Also,we have to find how and when theywere introduced into China,and what was the influence of their generation,development,and evolution to China. We must find out how the ideas of the Chinese native resources influenced the Chinese intelligentsia in their choice and acceptance of them. Thirdly,we must put the research object in particular context of historical development when studying ideological trends and their evolution in different historical stages dynamically, so as to make a scientific evaluation of them by seeking truth from facts. What 's more,we must pay attention to the change of the situation in the world,special attention has to be paid to the influence on the development and evolution of the modern Chinese trends by the change of western world.Finally,in addition to the dynamic study of evolution of the modern Chinese ideological trends in the different historical stage or period, we should also strengthen the study of the relationships among different thoughts,including the research of mutual influences and mutual absorption.
作者 郑大华
出处 《中国文化研究》 北大核心 2016年第1期5-18,共14页 Chinese Culture Research
关键词 近代思潮 民族主义 社会主义 保守主义 自由主义 modern Chinese ideological trends nationalism socialism conservatism liberalism
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