
不同专业男性大学生平衡能力与认知功能的关系 被引量:9

The relationship between body balance ability and cognition function of sports college male students in different majors
摘要 目的:对不同专业男性大学生进行平衡能力测试和认知功能评定,旨在探索不同专业大学生的平衡能力与认知功能的关系。方法:选取首都体育学院运动训练专业、体育舞蹈专业、中国舞专业和运动人体科学专业大学生共48名作为受试对象,所有受试对象先采集体成分信息,然后采用意大利Postural Equa平衡分析系统,在受试者单脚站立时分别测定睁眼和闭眼两个状态的静态平衡指标,最后采用Psy Key心理测试系统测定受试者的认知功能。结果:在睁眼和闭眼的状态下不同专业学生之间的平衡能力没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。但是在闭眼的状态下,四个专业学生的线性图总长度(P<0.01)、最大摆幅(P<0.05)、线性图面积(P<0.01)均显著高于睁眼状态时。运动训练专业学生的简单反应时显著低于中国舞专业学生(P<0.01)和体育舞蹈专业学生(P<0.05)。运动人体科学专业学生的简单反应时显著低于中国舞专业学生(P<0.01)。但是各专业学生的空间位置记忆广度值之间没有显著性差异(P>0.05)。简单反应时与闭眼状态下线性图面积具有显著的相关性(r=0.341,P<0.05),而空间位置记忆广度值与各项平衡指标没有明显的相关性(P>0.05)。结论:在健康男性大学生中,平衡能力与认知功能具有相关性,其中闭眼状态下平衡能力中的线形图面积与简单反应时之间存在显著的正相关性。至于不同运动专项对男性大学生平衡能力与认知功能相关性的特异性影响还有待进一步研究。 Objective: To investigate the relationship between body balance and cognition function of sports college male students in different majors by evaluating their body balance ability and cognition function. Method:Forty eight college students from the majors of sports training, sports dance, Chinese traditional dance and kinesiology were recruited. All subjects understood the purpose of this experiment and agreed to partici- pate in the experiment and had to complete the following experimental procedures. Firstly, they were tested by a body composition analyzer for their body composition information, including height, weight, body type, body mass index(BMI) and other indicators. Then they were tested for their static postural balance by using a sys- tem for stabalometric analysis (Postural Equa, Elettronica Pagani Co., Italy). All subjects were with opening eyes and closing eyes situations, for lasting los, respectively. Tested parameters of static postural balance includ- ed center of pressure (COP), total length of swinging pathway (TL), maximal length of swinging pathway(ML), area of swinging pathway (Area), lengch of stekokinesigram(LFS), distributions of pressure (DistrP). Fi- nally they were tested for their simple reaction time and spatial positional memory span by PsyKey psychologi- cal system. Result:The results of body balance showed that, there was no significant difference of body balance in all ma- jors of students between opening eyes and closing eyes situations (/:'〉0.05). However, compared with closing eyes situations, all majors of students showed increased TL (P〈0.01), ML (P〈0.05) and area (P〈0.01). The re- sults of cognition showed that, the simple reaction time of sports training students was significantly shorter than that in Chinese traditional dance students (P〈0.01) and sports dance students (P〈0.05). The simple reac- tion time of kinesiology students was significantly shorter than that of Chinese traditional dance students (P〈 0.01). But there was no significant difference of spatial positional memory span in all majors of students (P〉 0.05). For the relationship between body balance and cognition, the simple reaction time showed significant lin- ear correlation with the area of swinging pathway in closing eyes situations (r=0.341,P〈0.05). However, the spatial positional memory span had no correlation with any body balance parameters (P〉0.05). Conclusion:These results suggest that balance ability is associated positively with cognition function in college male students, including the linear correlation between simple reaction time and the area of swinging pathway in closing eyes situations. The effect of different sports majors on correlation between body balance ability and cognition function in sports college students needs to be further studied.
出处 《中国康复医学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第3期291-295,311,共6页 Chinese Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine
基金 L2015国家自然科学基金面上项目(Grant Nos.21475089) 2015北京市教委科技创新平台项目(PXM2015_014206_000053 PXM2015_014206_000072 PXM2015_014206_000051)
关键词 平衡能力 简单反应时 空间位置记忆广度值 大学生 body balance ability the simple reaction time the spatial positional memory span college student
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