
德国能源转型:政策及成效 被引量:9

Germany's Energy Transition:Policy and Achievements
摘要 德国的能源转型旨在将传统的以化石能源和核能为基础的能源供应体系转向以可再生能源为基础的能源体系。这一转型的最新表述集中体现在2011年日本福岛核事故发生之后德国政府陆续出台的"能源转型"方案中。该方案确定德国将在2022年前完全淘汰核能,并明确了直至2050年的能源目标。从目前的进展来看,德国能源转型正在有序推进,而面临的主要挑战在于不同目标之间存在着潜在冲突以及过早"弃核"带来的问题。德国能源转型的目的不仅是为了确保能源供应的安全和可持续,还试图引领以能效和可再生能源开发为主的新一轮竞争,从而助推德国经济,确保德国核心竞争力的提升。 Germany's energy transition aims at gradually changing the traditional fossil and nuclear based energy supply systems to the renewable ones.The newest statement of energy transition was reflected in Energiewende which was put forward by the German government after the Fukushima nuclear accident on 11 March 2011,in which it states to quit nuclear power completely and puts forward energy goals till 2050.Viewing from present process,Germany's energy transition has advanced according to its aims,and the challenges currently faced are mainly reflected in the conflicts between different objectives,and the rise of cost due to the early phase-out of nuclear power.The goals of Germany's energy transition is not only to insure energy security and sustainability but also to make sure the core competiveness of Germany through technological superiority in energy efficiency and renewable energy exploration,which would lead the next round of global competition.
作者 王卓宇
出处 《国际论坛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期74-78,81,共5页 International Forum
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  • 2Ross Beveridge and Kristine Kern, "The Energiewende in Germany: Background, Developments and Future Challenges", Renewable Energy Law and Policy: RELP, Vol. 1, 2013, pp. 3-4, pp. 3-4, pp. 6-7, pp. 6-7, pp.3-4, pal.
  • 3Gerhard Fuchs and Nele Hinderer, "Situative governance andEnergy Transitions in Spatial Context: Case Studies from Germany", Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2014, Vol. 4, p.4, pp.lO-ll.
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  • 10Erik Gawel et al., "The Future of the Energy Transition in Germany", Energy, Sustainability and Society, 2014, Vol.4, p. 1.


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