
新旧叠加:中国近古乡都制度的继承与演化 被引量:17

Multilayer of Old and New: Inheritances and Changes of Rural Systems(Xiang-Du 乡都) during Late Imperial China
摘要 中国帝制国家出于统治地方与征取赋役等目的,历代都十分重视对基层管理组织的建构。唐末以来,作为联户组织的乡里体系不断蜕化,经过北宋前期的乡管制,到熙宁年间逐渐形成以乡为税率核算单位、以保甲为基层管理组织的乡都制。与此同时,传统的"里"则基本蜕化成为了地名,其涵盖范围大者用以指称某一地域,范围小者则指称某一具体聚落,本人曾将这一历史过程归纳为地域化与聚落化。这一归纳的主要论据,出于存世宋元地方志记载"乡村",绝大多数仍作乡—里区划编排,而同时期乡村实际运作之中的基层管理体系,则为乡区之下保甲制,或简称乡都制。这已是学界共识。但随着制度蜕化,基层管理体系从联户组织走向地域组织,实属常规。及至南宋中后期,乡都组织也开始了地域化过程,到宋末元初,才基本完成。这是自唐末以来乡村基层组织的第二轮地域化,从宝祐《重修琴川志》到《至正金陵新志》,可以为我们提供这一轮演变的具体例证。此题的意义在于:存世宋元地方志关于"乡村"的记述极其复杂,区划名称有乡、里、村(邨)、社、都、保、管、坊、耆和团等等多种,它们相互之间的编排更令人眼花缭乱,其中不少为各地实际运行之中的基层管理组织,更多则属于经过从唐末到元末前后两轮地域化过程沉淀下来的、已经蜕化了的某种地域或聚落之名,今人唯有将这些复杂的文献记载梳理清楚,才有可能准确地重构关于近古时期乡里组织的史实。 For the aim of governing and tax colleting,Chinese imperial country of different times paid much attention to organize rural area in a proper way. Since the late Tang Dynasty (618 -907 ) , through Xiang- Guan (乡管) system of the early Northern Song (960 - 1127) period, it came to a Xiang-Du system by Xining (煕宁) reign years ( 1068 - 1077 ). By the same time, the old " Li"里 system was transformed basically into place names. Different Li titles became small region names covering bigger areas,or settlement names covering smaller areas, respectively. The major ground of the argument is based on the records from most local gazetteers of Song and Yuan times. "Villages" ( Xiangcun 乡村) were still organized according to Xiang-Li (乡里) systems as they described,while the actual system in operation was Xiang-Du. Then as a rule,with the degeneration of systems, rural system would always be regionalized slowly. Xiang-Du system began to regionalize and become place names by the end of Southern Song times (1127 -1279), and completed this process by the early Yuan period (1271 -1368). This was the second regionalization process of rural systems. From Baoyou chongxiu qinchuanzhi (宝祐重修琴川志) to Zhizheng Jinlingxinzhi (至正金陵新志) , their records showed us specific examples of this process. This case study reveals that those most complicated " villages" systems recorded by local gazetteers, though some of them might be still functional,were only place names, small regions or settlements, muhilayer deposition of changes since the end of Tang to the end of Southern Song. They were no longer in operation as rural system. We can only retell the story of rural systems of that time correctly with a proper understanding of those important local literatures.
作者 包伟民
出处 《中国经济史研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期5-15,共11页 Researches in Chinese Economic History
关键词 宋代 乡里 乡管 乡都 Song Dynasty Xiang-Li Xiang-Guan Xiang-Du
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