
美国种族限制性契约的司法判决与种族隔离的松动 被引量:1

Legislative Sentence of Racial Restrictive Indenture in the U. S. and the Loosening of Racial Segregation
摘要 在20世纪前期,种族限制性契约是美国白人实行种族隔离最主要的制度性措施。在关于限制性契约的判决中,对"州政府行为"的解释是一个关键,因为联邦宪法第14条修正案的制约对象是各州政府,而不是私人行为。在1948年以前,大多数州法院将州法院的司法判决排除在州政府行为之外,从而便利了州法院对种族限制性契约的纵容。在黑人、民权组织和某些政府部门的斗争之下,1948年联邦最高法院将州法院的判决也包含在州政府行为之中,从而制止了州法院对限制性契约的纵容。此后,对州政府行为的解释日益扩大,对限制性契约的控制更严,从而在美国种族隔离的藩篱中打开了一个缺口。 In early 20 thcentury, racial restrictive indenture is a systematic measure of Americanwhite to implement racial segregation. In a sentence related to restrictive indenture, the explanationof"conduct of state government"becomes the key, because the object of Article 14 in Federate Con-stitution is state government instead of individual. Before 1948, most state courts exclude their ownsentences so as to make the tolerance of the indenture become convenient. Due to the struggle ofthe black, civil right organization and some governmental departments, the Supreme Court includessentences made by state court into governmental conduct so as to stop the tolerance in 1948. Sincethen, explanation of government conduct is expanded and the control of the indenture is more seri-ous, resulting in the breakthrough into the racial segregation situation.
作者 孙群郎
出处 《求是学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期162-172,共11页 Seeking Truth
基金 国家社会科学基金一般项目"当代美国大都市区空间蔓延的危害及其治理研究" 项目编号:11BSS015
关键词 种族限制性契约 种族隔离 州政府行为 平等保护条款 谢利诉克雷默案 racial restrictive indenture racial segregation conduct of state governmental clause to protect equality Case of Shelly v.Kraemer
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  • 1Kenneth Fox.Metropolitan America.Urban Life and Urban Policy in the United States 1940-1980.Jackson:University Press of Mississippi,1986.
  • 2U.S.Department of Commerce,U.S.Census Bureau.Statistical Abstracts of the United States:1954.75th Edition,Washington D.C.,1954.
  • 3U.S.Department of Commerce,U.S.Census Bureau.Statistical Abstracts of the United States:1976.97th Edition,Washington D.C.,1976.
  • 4Nicholas Lemann.The Promised Land:The Great Black Migration and How It Changed America.New York:Alfred A.Knopf,Inc.,1991.
  • 5美国驻华大使馆新闻文化处编:《美国历史文献选集》,北京:美国驻华大使馆新闻文化处,1985年.
  • 6“Constitutional Law:Taking Property without Due Process,Invalidity of a Segregation Ordinance”,in The Yale Law Journal,Vol.27,No.3(Jan.,1918).
  • 7John A.Huston.“Constitutional Law:State Court Enforcement of Race Restrictive Covenants as State Action within Scope of Fourteenth Amendment”,in Michigan Law Review,Vol.45,No.6(Apr.,1947).
  • 8Andrew Wiese.Places of Their Own:African American Suburbanization in the Twentieth Century.Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,2004.
  • 9Harold I.Kahen.“Validity of Anti-Negro Restrictive Covenants:A Reconsideration of the Problem”,in The University of Chicago Law Review,Vol.12,No.2(Feb.,1945).
  • 10Wendy Plotkin.“Hemmed in:The Struggle against Racial Restrictive Covenants and Deed Restrictions in Post-WWWII Chicago”,in Journal of the Illinois State Historical Society,Vol.94,No.1,Race and Housing in Post WWII Chicago(Spring,2001).











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