黑龙江省黑河市多年来一直坚持把计划生育工作纳入经济社会的总体规划统筹考虑 ,坚持“三为主” ,推行“三结合” ,辟建“三自主”试验区 ,使计划生育工作步入良性发展的轨道。实践证明 ,“三自主”试验区是我国计划生育工作发展的必然产物 。
In Heihe city of Heilongjiang province the Family Planning work has been considered as a part of social and economic overall plan for ages The Family Planning workers adhered to the 'Three First ', pursued the ' Three Unite ' , and opened up the 'Three Autonomy' experimental zones As a result , the Family Planning work has stepped into a virtuous circle of development Many facts proved that the 'Three Autonomy' experimental zones are the inevitable outcome of the development of the Family Planning work in China , which stands for the management trend of population development under the socialist market-oriented economy system
Population Journal