目的:分析1例累及肾盂的IgG4相关性疾病的临床资料并进行文献复习,探讨该病的诊断和治疗经验,以提高对IgG4相关性肾盂疾病的认识及诊治水平。方法:分析北京协和医院收治的1例IgG4相关性肾盂疾病患者的临床表现、实验室检查、影像学及组织病理学资料。以"IgG4相关性疾病"和"肾盂"为关键词,自Pubmed共计检索到累及肾盂的IgG4相关性疾病4例,对临床症状、肾盂外器官受累情况、血清IgG4水平、影像学表现和组织学以及治疗等进行分析。结果:患者女性,53岁,B超发现右肾盂占位,无临床不适,体重近半年减重3kg。尿路CT成像示右肾盂及中下部肾盏团块样软组织密度影。逆行造影未见右肾盂内明确充盈缺损。PET/CT示右肾盂软组织密度影放射性摄取增高。行腹腔镜右肾输尿管全长切除术,病理符合IgG4相关性疾病。血清IgG4明显升高(3 240mg/L),给以泼尼松口服治疗,3个月后复查IgG4水平降至1 890mg/L。文献报道IgG4相关性肾盂疾病共4例,合并其他器官受累3例。2例行患侧肾输尿管全长切除,1例行肾切除。应用糖皮质激素治疗3例,疗效良好,1例因合并严重消化道出血死亡。结论:IgG4相关性疾病是一少见疾病,累及肾盂罕见,临床易误诊为肾盂癌而行不必要的手术切除,可同时累及其他器官,诊断有赖于血清IgG4水平测定及组织病理学检查,糖皮质激素治疗有效,预后良好。
Objective: To analyze the clinical data of one case of IgG4-related renal pelvis disease and review the literature so as to improve the diagnosis and treatment of the disease. Method: The clinical symptoms, laboratory tests, radiographic patterns, histopathological features and therapeutic management of a patient with IgG4-re- lated renal pelvis disease were described and the literature was reviewed. Result: A 53-year-old female without sig- nificant symptoms was admitted to our hospital because of the tumor of right renal pelvis, with weight loss about 3 kg in half a year. CTU revealed soft tissue in the right renal pelvis, while no obvious filling defect was found with the retrograde urethrography. PET/CT demonstrated a soft tissue in right renal pelvis, with elevated 18F- FDG uptake. Surgical laparoscopic resection of the tissue from the right kidney to whole right ureter was per- formed. Histological examination disclosed IgG4-related disease of the renal pelvis. Her postoperative serum level of IgG4 elevated (3 240 mg/L). Systemic steroid therapy was performed, then three months later her serum level of IgG4 decreased (t 890 mg/L). Literature retrieval to four cases of IgG4-related renal pelvis disease, three pa- tients showed other organs involvement. Ureteronephrectomy was performed in two patients, while nephrectomy was performed in a patient. Systemic steroid therapy was performed in three patients, and curative effect was sig- nificant. However, only one patient died of severe gastrointestinal bleeding. Conclusion: IgG4-related renal pelvis clisease is rare. It may be misdiagnosed easily as carcinoma of the renal pelvis, and followed by unnecessary sur- geries. This kind of disease can involve other organs. The diagnosis depends on serum level of IgG4 and his- topathological examination. Systemic steroid therapy is effective, so the prognosis is good.
Journal of Clinical Urology
IgG4-related disease
renal pelvis