土耳其安伊高铁二期工程是我国铁路行业第一次获得的海外高速铁路。牵引变电所的设计采用欧洲标准。由于各牵引变电所的进线电源均为单电源,且其国内铁路相对较少,如何减少铁路对电力系统的负序影响是研究中需要解决的问题。土耳其国家土地私有化,征地拆迁十分困难,各牵引变电所除为新建高铁线路供电外还需为相邻的既有普速线路供电,这给牵引变电所平面布置的设计带来困难,各所的平面布置均不相同,均需要根据实际征地面积调整。牵引变电所的进线电压等级为154 k V,和国内的电压等级不同,设备间距等需要根据欧标设计,接地网的设计也和国内不同。文章通过对土耳其安伊高铁牵引变电所的技术研究分析,结合线路特点,提出了单回路外电源进线情况下减少负序的解决方案、由于征地困难优化总平面布置方案以及接地网布置方案等。
Ankara to Istanbul high-speed railway ( second stage project) is the first overseashigh - speed railway acquired by China. The traction substation is designed with European Standards. Since the incoming power of each traction sub- station is single power supply, and due to its relatively few domestic railways, how to reduce the negative sequence influ- ence of railway on the power system is the problem to be solved in the study. Because of privatization of State owned land in Turkey, Land requisition and demolishing is very difficult. Each traction substation will supply power not only for the new high speed railway but also for the existing normal-speed railway, so it brings difficulties to the layout plan of the traction substation. The layout plan of each traction substation is not the same, which needs to be adjusted according to the actual land requisition area. The incoming line voltage grade of traction substation is 154 kV, that is different from Chinese voltage grade. The equipment spacing needs to be designed in accordance with the European standards and the grounding grid design is also different from China's. In this paper, through technical researches and analyses on the tranction substationof Ankara to Istanbul high - speed railway, and according to the characteristics of the line, we pro- posed solutions to decrease negative sequence under the circumstances of single circuit incoming power, optimization of general layout scheme due to difficulties in land requisition, grounding grid layout program, etc.
High Speed Railway Technology
Ankara to Istanbul high-speed railway
Traction substation
Technical Studies