
政府责任视角下养老机构服务能力的提升——基于Y市D区的调查分析 被引量:9

The Improvement of Endowment Institution's Service Capability under the Perspective of Government Responsibility——Based on an investigation of D District of Y City in Sichuan Province
摘要 随着养老问题的日益严峻,依托专业性养老机构的养老方式将成为构建社会养老服务体系的重要支撑。通过对Y市D区专业性养老机构的实地调查发现,地方政府在养老院、老年公寓和老年护理院的发展上加大了人力、财力和物力投入,养老机构的整体水平有了一定程度的提高,但养老服务方面依然存在着较为突出的局限或不足之处:一是养老机构的规模大小不一,整体水平不高;二是公办养老机构入住率高,民办养老机构入住率相对较低;三是只解决了本地区部分老人的养老问题,机构养老服务的整体社会效益还有待提高;四是机构内基础设施条件较差,服务能力有待提高。而养老机构服务能力不足的关键原因主要包括:一是缺乏机构建设与发展的资金,表现为地方政府财政支持力度不够,民办养老机构的经营状况不理想、盈利能力不强;二是缺乏专业化养老服务人员,表现为养老机构工作人员流动性较大、社会认可度较低、服务人员专业素养不高。因此,作为公共服务重要主体的地方政府应当承担起关键的引领责任,在养老机构建设与发展的政策扶持、资金投入、人才发展等领域发挥积极的作用,从而有助于提升养老机构的服务能力,推动社会养老服务事业的可持续发展。 With an increasingly bad situation of the pension problem, the institutional pension will undoubtedly play an essential role in constructing the social endowment service system. According to the investigation of endowment institutions in D district of Y city in Sichuan province, it is found that the local government increases investment in the manpower, financial and material resources with the development of geracomium and apartments for the aged. However, there are still some obvious problems in the pension services. For example, the endowment institutions have different sizes but the whole level of service capabilities is not high, the occupancy rate of private pension institutions is low, social integral effectiveness of pension services should be improved, and the service infrastructure for the aged is relatively poor. And it is also found that there are some key reasons for the insufficient service capabilities of endowment institutions.First, there are lack of funds for institutional construction and development. The financial support of local governments is not enough and the profitability of private pension institutions is not strong. Second, there are lack of professional pension service personnel. The personnel fluidity in endowment institutions is greater, the social recognition of pension service is not improved fundamentally and the professional quality of pension services providers is not high enough, etc. Hence, local governments should undertake the due obligations for the sake of enhancing the service capability of pension institutions. The local government should take an active role in policy support, capital input, talent development and so on. Then, social pension service will find an effective way for sustainable development.
出处 《四川理工学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期43-52,共10页 Journal of Sichuan University of Science & Engineering(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 四川省教育厅面上项目(11SB069) 四川省教育厅一般项目(14SB0129)
关键词 养老机构 养老服务 政府责任 服务能力 老年人护理 endowment institution service for the aged government responsibility service capability care of the elderly
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