村民自治是在农村经济体制改革深入发展中产生和形成的 ,也是农村政治体制改革和民主政治建设的重要成果 ,村民自治的推广 ,标志着中国民主化进程从此迈出了重要一步。进一步促进村民自治的完善和发展 ,必将对农村经济和社会发展产生强大的推动力。
Villagersd autonomy was generated and formed during the furthwer development of the rural economy system reform It is the major result of the rural polieical system reform and the democracy construction its ectending marks the impooratn forwaud step of Chinese democratization.And its further improvement and development must give a great motive force to the rural economy and the development of the society.
Theoretic Observation