
有上消化道症状的糖尿病患者近端胃的功能受损情况分析 被引量:2

Damage of proximal stomach function in diabetic patients
摘要 为了解有上消化道症状的糖尿病患者近端胃的功能受损情况,顺序选取2011年9月至2013年3月于我院就诊的54例糖尿病患者,按照是否有上消化道症状分为有症状组(26例)和无症状组(28例),以同期纳入的健康志愿者(21名)为对照组,分别用饮水法联合B超法对3组近端胃的功能进行测定,测量其饱感阈值饮水量、最大耐受饮水量及对应的近端胃的周长、面积,并求差值。有症状组患者的饱感阈值饮水量、最大耐受饮水量显著低于无症状组[(638±311)ml比(870±225)ml、(1000±424)功1比(1360±322)ml,t值分别为2.779、3.111,均P〈0.05]。无症状组患者的饱感阈值饮水量显著高于对照组[(870±225)ml比(688±225)ml,t值为-2.450,P〈0.05],有症状组饮水量差值、胃底面积差明显低于无症状组及对照组[饮水量分别为(362±146)ml比(490±150)ml、(550±157)ml,t值分别为2.838、3.920;胃底面积差分别为(11.76±6.85)cm^2比(19.78±12.07)cm^2、(20.80±10.65)cm^2,t值分别为2.769、3.311,均P〈0.05],胃底周长差有症状组明显低于对照组[(3.67±2.17)cm比(6.22±3.06)cm,t=3.139,P〈0.05],差异有统计学意义。糖尿病患者近端胃感觉阈值下降,舒张功能降低,近端胃的功能受损。 Fifty four diabetic patients, including 26 cases with dyspepsia and 28 cases without gastrointestinal symptoms, and 21 healthy volunteers were enrolled in this prospective study. To determine the function of proximal stomach, water load test was performed and the area and circumference of gastric corpus were measured by ultrasonography, and the differences between threshold and maximum were calculated. Results showed that the threshold and maximum drinking volumes in diabetic patients with dyspepsia were lower than those without dyspepsia [ ( 638± 311 ) ml vs. ( 870 ± 225 ) ml and ( 1 000 ± 424) ml vs. ( 1 360± 322) ml, t = 2. 779 and 3.111 ,P 〈 0. 05 ]. The threshold drinking volume in patients without dyspepsia was significantly higher than that of control group [ ( 870±225 ) ml vs. ( 688 ±225 ) ml, t = - 2. 450, P 〈 0. 05 ]. The differences of drinking volume and corpus area in patients with dyspepsia were lower than those of patients without dyspepsia and controls [ (362 ± 146) ml vs. (490 ±150) ml, (550 ± 157) ml, t = 2. 838,3. 920, ( 11.76 ± 6. 85 ) Cnl2 /dS. ( 19. 78± 12. 07 ) cm2, (20. 80 ±10. 65 ) cm2, t = 2. 769, 3.311, P 〈 0. 05 1] The difference of circumference in diabetic patients with dyspepsia was lower than in controls [ (3.67±2. 17) em vs. (6. 22 -+3.06) em, t =3. 139,P 〈0. 05]. The study indicates that the proximal stomach function is impaired in diabetic patients, presenting a declined sensory threshold and reduced relax function.
作者 张月霞 蓝宇
出处 《中华全科医师杂志》 2016年第3期205-207,共3页 Chinese Journal of General Practitioners
关键词 糖尿病 近端胃 Diabetes mellitus Proximal stomach
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