
人心向学 善待教师 为进一步提升学校核心竞争力奠定基础——人心向学传承创新之二 被引量:4

Being good to teachers and laying solid foundation for enhancing university's core competitiveness——Devoting to learning and carrying on inheritance and innovation(II)
摘要 教学是大学的真正使命与核心竞争力,中医药人才培养质量高低的决定因素是中医药院校教师队伍质量与水平。教师是学生学习的指导者和促进者,是学校教育教学改革的直接参与者,教师对于教学改革的成败起着决定性的作用。只有尊重人才,珍惜人才,做到心向学者,善待教师,始终把教师队伍建设作为学校教育事业发展最重要的基础工作来抓,才能使每一位北中医教师能尽快找到最适合自己的发展道路,最大限度地调动和发挥人才成长的主动性、积极性、创造性,实现中医药事业和教师个人事业的同步发展。从注重提高教师的职业素养及注重教师个人发展和专业发展,注重创新教师考评体系,注重创造教师成长的物质条件几方面进行论述,在思想理念、制度措施以及精神物质诸方面切实创造碧水蓝天、沃土清风,打造有利于不同年龄、不同层次、不同专业教师成长成才、成名成家的学术生态环境,为建设师德高尚、业务精湛、结构合理、富有活力的教师队伍提供保障,真正把人才强校战略落到实处,为进一步提升学校核心竞争力奠定坚实基础。 Teaching is the eternal duty and core competitiveness of a university. The quality of TCM talenteducation depends on the quality and level of the faculties of TCM colleges and universities. Faculties are not onlyinstructors and promoters of students in their studies but also the direct participants in institutional educationreform in which they play a decisive role for the success or failure. We shall make each faculty to demonstrate theirindividual excellence at their own position, contribute their ability wholeheartly, and show up their innovative effort,only if we can respect their knowledge and talent, value their professional achievements, and treat them as truescholars. We should always consider the construction of teaching staff as the most important foundation for thedevelopment of high education. In order to show the thoughtfullness and kindness of university, this assay tries todiscuss how to lay out our plan on the management of this core power in university operation, how to improveteacher’s professional skills and quality, how to innovate teacher’s evaluation system, and how to provideinfrarstructure and remuneration for the career development of faculties and staffs. In short, this assay intends todescribe our desire to construct a fair and transparent university system for our faculities and staffs so that each oneof them can excel in our university just like trees can grow well under blue sky and clean air. We shall take effectivemeasures to implement this strategy to build up our university as the top university in the high education of Chinesemedicine with talents of our faculties and staffs.
作者 徐安龙
机构地区 北京中医药大学
出处 《中医教育》 2016年第1期1-5,共5页 Education of Chinese Medicine
关键词 中医药教育 教师 核心竞争力 传承创新 education of traditional Chinese medicine teacher core competitiveness inheritance and innovation
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