
青春期纤维腺瘤的诊治 被引量:3

Diagnosis and treatment of juvenile fibroadenoma
摘要 纤维腺瘤是青春期少女最常见的乳房疾患,是乳腺科医生临床工作中诊治和活检最多的青春期肿瘤。临床医生对青春期纤维腺瘤应有正确的认识,给予适宜处理,对于青春期患者乳房的美容、哺乳功能的保留及预后有着重要的影响。本综述主要探讨青春期纤维腺瘤的诊断和处理策略。 Fibroadenoma is a common breast lesion among adolescent girls,and it is the most frequent puberty tumor which diagnosed and treated by breast surgeon. Therefore it is important for clinicians to have a correct understanding of juvenile fibroadenoma and then give appropriate treatment,which would effect on breast beauty,retain lactation functions and prognosis. This review discusses the diagnosis and treatment strategies of adolescent fibroadenoma.
作者 朱彩霞 许娟
出处 《中国妇幼卫生杂志》 2016年第1期92-95,共4页 Chinese Journal of Women and Children Health
关键词 青春期 乳腺肿瘤 纤维腺瘤 巨纤维腺瘤 puberty breast tumor fibroadenoma giant fibroadenoma
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