
基于SCI论文和专利数据的单项技术成熟度评估方法 被引量:4

Evaluation methods of individual technology maturity based on SCI-covered papers and patent data
摘要 目的:借鉴高德纳Hype Cycle等技术成熟度评估方法,尝试建立基于SCI论文和专利数据的单项技术成熟度评估方法。方法:结合传统X线摄影和光声层析成像技术成熟度的测试,对SCI论文和专利数据分别进行非线性回归分析,拟合为用于研判成熟度的钟形和S形曲线。结果:所获单项技术成熟度评估结果与专家定性评述较一致。结论:单项技术的SCI论文和专利数据,能够实现对单项技术成熟度的初步评估。 Objective To establish the evaluation methods of individual technology maturity based on SCI-covered papers and patent data using Gartner's Hype Cycle. Methods The SCI-covered papers and patent data were analyzed by nonlinear regression analysis in combination with traditional X- radiography and photo- acoustic tomography,and represented as the bell-shaped curve and S-shaped curve for judging the technology maturity. Results The individual technology maturity was consistent with the qualitative review of experts. Conclusion The individual technology described in SCI-covered papers and patent data can be used in primary evaluation of its maturity.
出处 《中华医学图书情报杂志》 CAS 2016年第3期13-17,共5页 Chinese Journal of Medical Library and Information Science
关键词 单项技术成熟度 非线性回归 Hype CYCLE 学术评价 技术评价 Individual technology maturity Nonlinear regression analysis Hype Cycle Academic evaluation Technolog evaluation
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