
星载SAR降水反演研究简介 被引量:2

Brief Introduction to Research on Spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar Retrieval of Precipitation
摘要 降水是水循环的主要组成部分之一,具有重要的气象学、气候学与水文学意义。对降水及其区域和全球分布进行精准测量,一直是一个颇具挑战的科学问题。星载微波遥感器提供的数据,可以有效减少卷云对降水反演精度的影响。经过近50年的发展,星载微波遥感器的降水反演算法也逐渐发展成熟起来。简要回顾了几代被动与主动星载微波降水测量仪器。针对实孔径低分辨率微波遥感器探测的降水场动态范围变小的问题,介绍了利用高分辨率SAR数据进行降水探测的前向物理模型以及修正的沃尔塔积分降水反演方法与基于统计的反演方法。 Precipitation is a fundamental component of the global water cycle.It is a key hydrologic variable of the water cycle in meteorology.Accurate observation of precipitation for regional and global distributions has always been a challenging scientific goal.Spaceborne Microwave data may carry precipitation information suppressing the impact of Cirrus.With fivedecade development of spaceborne sensors,the approaches to retrieving precipitation are prosperously developed.A brief review of generations of passive and active precipitation microwave sensors is given.More recently,forward physical model and the inversion techniques named Volterra Integral Equation(VIE) approach and model-oriented statistical(MOS) methodology to quantitatively derive precipitation by spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar measurements are presented to enhance spatial resolution and improve the statics of precipitation fields and dynamics of rain rate.
出处 《气象科技进展》 2016年第1期111-115,共5页 Advances in Meteorological Science and Technology
基金 国家高技术研究发展计划(201402KY042)
关键词 星载微波遥感 合成孔径雷达 降水 反演算法 spaceborne microwave remote sensing SAR rain rate retrieval algorithms
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