
中小学生乐商的测量和乐商的发展研究 被引量:8

The Development and Measurement of Optimistic Intelligence Quotient of Primary and Secondary Students
摘要 乐观能力也被称为乐商,它主要包括:快乐的阈限值、品味能力、乐观的感染力和从消极事件中获取积极成分的乐观理解力四个方面。基于这一研究思路,研究者编制了《中小学生乐商问卷》,相关的信效度检验表明了该问卷的可靠性和有效性。利用该问卷的研究发现,中小学生的乐商水平和品味能力整体呈上升趋势;初一是乐观感染力发展的关键期;女同学的乐观理解力较差。针对这些发现,建议教育工作者进行差异化干预。 A scale of Optimistic Intelligence Quotient( OIQ) for primary and secondary students is established,which consists of four components,the threshold of happiness( B),savoring( C),the ability to inspirit others( D)and the ability to get positive ingredients from negative events( E). Study 1 confirmed its validity and reliability.The results of study 2 demonstrated that OIQ and C gradually increase from the primary to senior high school. Grade1 of junior high school was the critical period for D and female students were lower in E than male students. Therefore different interventions for these students should be taken into consideration.
出处 《心理技术与应用》 2016年第3期129-134,159,共7页 Psychology(Techniques and Applications)
基金 浙江省高校人文社会科学重点研究基地教育学一级学科基地项目(ZJJYX201401)成果
关键词 中小学生 乐商 品味 乐观感染力 primary and secondary students OIQ savoring inspirit others
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