
欧盟竞争政策与产业政策的协调及其启示 被引量:1

The Coordination between the Competitive Policy and Industrial Policy of European Union and its Enlightenment
摘要 竞争政策与产业政策是政府规范市场经济的两种工具。分析表明,就概念内涵而言竞争政策与产业政策间冲突性的成分较多。由于欧盟竞争政策优先地位的确立和产业政策开放性、横向性、辅助性的定位,二者间表现出更多的协调性。面对国际金融危机的冲击,欧盟协调竞争政策与产业政策以应对危机的做法取得了较好的成效,而我国强干预性的危机救助措施却留下严重的负面效应。在后危机时代,我国应借鉴欧盟的经验,在经济治理中合理协调竞争政策与产业政策的关系。 Competitive policy and industrial policy are two tools in regulating the market economy for government.Analysis shows that there are many conflicting factors in the definition of two terms.In European Union,the competitive policy has an established priority to the industrial policy.The industrial policy has the features of openness,transversality and helping quality.The two policies show more coordinative nature.Confronting the international economic crisis,the coordination between the two policies achieved good effects.However,the powerful intervention crisis help measures in China leave serious negative results.In post-crisis period,we should learn from the experience of European Union to adjust the relationship between competitive policy and industrial policy in our management of economy
作者 张建平
出处 《内蒙古师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2016年第1期136-140,共5页 Journal of Inner Mongolia Normal University:Philosophy and Social Sciences Edition
关键词 欧盟 竞争政策 产业政策 European Union competitive policy industrial policy
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