

Empirical Study on Foreign Residents' National Image of China and the Relationship with Their Chinese Media Industry Image
摘要 随着珠三角国际化程度的提升,在粤外籍居民的规模持续扩大,对于广东经济、社会和对外交流等诸多方面的影响也越来越大。基于原产地效应的理论视角实证研究在粤外籍居民眼中的中国国家形象感知及对其传媒业形象感知的影响,结果发现,在粤外籍居民眼中的中国国家形象与传媒业形象感知整体上是比较正面和积极的。在粤外籍居民的中国社会、经济、文化、商品和国民形象感知均对其传媒业行业实力形象感知具有显著的正向影响。在粤外籍居民的中国文化、国民形象感知对其传媒业内容产品形象感知具有显著的正向影响。在粤外籍居民的中国国家形象及传媒业形象感知在性别、年龄、教育程度、母语、宗教信仰上存在显著差异。 With the international development and continued demographic growing of foreign residents in the Pearl River Delta,this group will have a more and more important positive impact on Guangdong province in economic,social,international communication and other aspects. This article aims at empirically testing the relationship between foreign residents' perception of Chinese national image and media industry image based on the country of origin theory. The descriptive statistical analysis finds out that foreign residents in Guangdong hold a positive opinion about Chinese national image and media industry image. And after a correlation analysis this study made a hypothesis testing to find out that foreign residents' opinions towards Chinese society,economy,culture,products and people image have positive influence on their industrial strength image perception of Chinese media industry. At the same time,their opinions towards Chinese culture and people image have positive influence on their content products image perception of Chinese media industry. On the other hand,Chinese national image and media industry image perception of foreign residents in Guangdong have significant difference in gender,age,education,first language and religious belief.
出处 《华南理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第1期120-126,共7页 Journal of South China University of Technology(Social Science Edition)
基金 广东省高等教育"创新强校工程"项目"区域形象刻板印象的内容表征 干预策略与逆转机制研究:以珠三角为例"(GWTP-GC-2014-07) 教育部区域与国别研究培育基地加拿大研究科研重点项目"中国在加拿大的国家形象研究"(A2013CCS01)
关键词 国家形象 传媒业形象 在穗外籍居民 原产地效应 national image media industry' s image foreign residents in Guangdong country of origin effect
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