

Encryption and Decryption Algorithm Based on Rotation Matrix
摘要 利用舍入误差分析的方法及计算机浮点运算的特性,构造一种基于旋转矩阵的加密解密算法,并提出了保证算法有效的充分条件.应用实例验证了算法的可行性. Using the method of round-off error analysis and the characteristics of computer-floating-point operation,we constructed a new kind of encryption and decryption algorithm based on rotation matrix. Then we proposed sufficient conditions for the validity of the algorithm. Finally,we used some numerical examples to verify the feasibility of the algorithm.
出处 《吉林大学学报(理学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2016年第2期229-233,共5页 Journal of Jilin University:Science Edition
基金 国家自然科学基金(批准号:J1310022 11371171)
关键词 加密解密算法 旋转矩阵 舍入误差分析 encryption and decryption algorithm rotation matrix round-off error analysis
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