
大鼠饮水奖赏条件反射的建立及其习得规律 被引量:1

The establishment of rat's drinking water reward conditioned reflex and its acquisition characteristics
摘要 目的以自由活动的大鼠作为实验动物建立饮水奖赏条件反射,分析其建立和消退特征。方法 20只成年雄性大鼠,分为配对组和非配对组各10只,配对组给予以声音作为条件刺激,固定的间隔时间后给予水滴作为奖赏性非条件刺激进行饮水条件反射训练,非配对组同样以声音作为条件刺激,但给予一个随机的时间间隔后的水滴作为非条件反射进行训练,利用红外发射及接收装置探查大鼠的饮水反应,通过生理记录仪记录相关行为,比较两组饮水反应习得率和潜伏期。结果配对组大鼠能够习得饮水奖赏条件反射,7天训练后习得率维持在60%以上的高水平;反应潜伏期随训练时间增加而缩短;消退实验中大鼠的习得率迅速下降并维持在10%以下的低水平。非配对组不能习得饮水奖赏条件反射,习得率维持在20%以内的低水平。结论自由活动的大鼠能建立奖赏饮水条件反射,习得后也能迅速消退。 Objective To establish the drinking water reward conditioned reflex on freely moving rats for analyzing its establishment and fading characteristics.Methods Twenty adult male rats were divided into paired group and non-paired group,10 in each group.The paired group was treated with voice as conditioned stimulus and given the water droplets as reward unconditioned stimulus in a fixed time interval.The non-paired group was also treated with voice as conditioned stimulus and given the water droplets as reward unconditioned stimulus in a random time interval.Their drinking reaction was detected through an infrared transmitter and receiver.The acquisition and incubation period of drinking reaction was surveyed by using multi-channel recorder. The acquisition rate and incubation time were compared between the two groups. Results Acquisition of conditioned reflex during drinking reward was founded in the paired group and maintained a high level with more than 60% acquisition rate after 7 days training.With increasing of training time,the response latency period was reduced.In fade test,acquisition rate dropped rapidly and keep a low level under 10%.Acquisition of conditioned reflex during drinking reward was not founded in the non-paired group and maintained a low level of within 20% acquisition rate.Conclusion The drinking water reward conditioned reflex can be built on freely moving rats and it will disappear after they complete the acquisition.
出处 《实用医院临床杂志》 2016年第2期57-60,共4页 Practical Journal of Clinical Medicine
基金 四川省科技厅科研基金资助项目(编号:2014JY0032)
关键词 饮水反射 大鼠 习得率 潜伏期 Drinking water reflection Rat Acquisition rate Incubation
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