
“十三五”:以经济转型为主线的结构性改革 被引量:13

The 13^(th) Five-Year: Structural Reform with Economic Transition as the Main Line
摘要 "十三五"是我国现代化进程中的关键5年,是经济转型升级的"最后窗口期"和历史拐点,也是结构性改革的攻坚时期。这一历史阶段经济转型的特点是增长、转型、改革高度融合。它蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力与市场空间,也面临诸多矛盾叠加、风险隐患增多的严峻挑战,迫切需要"闯关"。"十三五"经济转型升级的基本趋势是基本形成以服务业为主导的产业结构、户籍人口城镇化、消费主导的经济增长新格局和以服务贸易为重点的对外开放新格局。由此将给"十三五"结构性改革带来如下几个方面的重大任务:一是推进供给侧结构性改革,关键在于推进服务业的市场开放,充分释放市场的活力与空间。二是以优化企业发展环境为重点的结构性政策调整与结构性改革。把优化企业发展环境、激发企业活力、倡导企业家精神作为结构性改革优先解决的重大问题。三是以监管转型为重点的简政放权与结构性改革。激活市场、激励企业关键是以监管转型为重点纵深推进简政放权改革。简政放权重在确立以人为本的公共服务理念。"十三五"期间,要抓住机遇、应对挑战,重在以结构性改革破解经济转型的结构性矛盾,由此才能释放市场活力,释放转型发展的内需潜力。 The 13th five-year is a critical period of China's modernization drive,a "final window period"and a historic turning point for economic transition and upgrading,and also a crucial period for structural reform. A high integration of growth,transition and reform is the feature of the economic transition in this phase.It harbors not only enormous potential for development and space for market,but also multitudes of severe challenges of overlapping conflicts and increasing risks,thus calling for "going through passes". The basic trend of the economic transition during the 13 th five-year period is to basically formulate a new pattern of service sector-dominated industrial structure,a new pattern of increased urbanization of registered population,a new pattern of consumption- dominated economic growth and a new pattern of opening-up focusing on service trade.Accordingly,the primary tasks of structural reform during the 13 th five-year are as follows: Firstly,we should push forward the structural reform from the aspect of supply,giving priority to the opening of service market so as to fully release the vigor and space of market. Secondly,we should carry out structural policy adjustment and structural reform,focusing on optimizing the developmental environment for businesses. We should regard optimizing developmental environment for businesses,stimulating their vigor and vitality and advocating entrepreneurship as essential issues to be addressed in the first place. Thirdly,we should streamline administration,delegate power to lower levels and conduct structural reform by laying emphasis on the shift to the supervision.The key to invigorating market and businesses is to push forward the shift to supervision in the reform of streamlining administration and delegating power in all aspects. During the 13 th five-year period,we should seize opportunities and rise to challenges by stressing the role of structural reform to address the structural contradictions of economic transition,so as to release the market vitality and the potential of domestic need for the transition and development.
作者 迟福林
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期1-13,共13页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 中国经济 经济转型 “十三五” 结构性改革 Chinese economy economic transition the 13th five-year structural reform
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