
阅读中国:论克里斯蒂娃《中国妇女》的文本张力 被引量:2

Reading about China: On the Textual Tension of Julia Kristeva's Des Chinoises
摘要 克里斯蒂娃的《中国妇女》是中法文化交流史上重要的文本。克里斯蒂娃的这一中国书写呈现出一种复杂而多元的思想倾向。它的文本张力主要体现在:其一,试图通过与中国妇女建立一种联系,来巩固西方女性主体丧失的主体性;其二,在文本写作立场层面的含混态度,直接源于写作者自身对他者的立场,他者存在于自我之中;其三,以一种个人化的方式阅读和言说中国文本,具体表现为文本语义场内部个人私语对政治话语的挑战和颠覆。克里斯蒂娃在书写中国经验时,其本身的心灵经验占据主流。个体身份的多样性弱化了她对中国问题的主观预设,中国经验成为映照出克里斯蒂娃个体的心灵经验的反光镜。 Julia Kristeva's Des Chinoises,as an important text in the history of Sino-French cultural exchanges,presents complicated and pluralistic mind-sets. Firstly,Julia Kristeva tries to consolidate the lost subjectivity of western women through creating a bond between Chinese and western women. Secondly,the ambiguous stance taken by Kristeva in the text stems directly from her attitude toward others,i. e.,the existence of others in ourselves. Thirdly,the individualized approach to reading and commenting on Chinese texts reveals that in the semantic field of the text,the personal discourse challenges and subverts the political discourse. In writing Chinese experience,her personal psychic experience takes over. Kristeva's diverse individual identities have weakened the depiction of Chinese experience due to subjective presupposition,which,on the reverse,mirrors her own psychic experience as an individual.
作者 张颖
出处 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第2期93-101,共9页 Journal of Shanghai University(Social Sciences Edition)
基金 国家哲学社会科学基金重大项目(13&ZD123)
关键词 克里斯蒂娃 《中国妇女》 主体性 含混立场 话语杂糅 Julia Kristeva Des Chinoises subjectivity ambiguous stance mixed discourse
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