
基于发送切换邀请的越区切换准周期触发机制 被引量:1

A quasi-periodic trigger mechanism of handover based on sending the handover invitation
摘要 为了克服基于接收信号强度的越区切换触发机制的局限,依据移动终端较规则的移动线路及其邻近基站部署的位置信息,构建协作小区簇,提出一种基于发送切换邀请的准周期触发机制.该机制在移动线路相对固定、移动速度较高的无线通信环境中能使越区切换的触发更及时、准确和可靠,也能使整个越区切换的实现过程得到简化,缩短整个切换的执行时间,提高越区切换的速度和效率,同时还能防止"乒乓切换"现象的发生.在城市BRT、高速公路和高速铁路中具有广泛的应用前景. In order to overcome the limitation of the traditional handover trigger mechanism based on the intensity of the received signal, the cooperative cell - cluster is constructed according to the regular mobile route of the mobile terminal and the location information of its adjacent base station, and the quasi - periodic trigger mechanism based on sending the handover invitation is proposed in the paper. The base - station handover is more timely, accurate and reliable by the trigger mechanism in the communication environment which the mobile route is relatively fixed and mobile speed is relatively high. In addition, the trigger mechanism can make the handoff process simple, shorten the handover time, and improve the handover speed and efficiency. Moreover, the mechanism can prevent the occurrence of "ping pong randover" phenomenon and has a wide range of applications in urban BRT, highways and high -speed railways.
出处 《云南民族大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2016年第2期169-173,共5页 Journal of Yunnan Minzu University:Natural Sciences Edition
基金 常州市科技计划项目(CJ20140056)
关键词 切换邀请 准周期触发 越区切换 触发机制 handover invitation quasi - period trigger handover trigger mechanism
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