
科技悬赏奖设置关键因素研究:基于对国际上135项科技悬赏奖的内容分析 被引量:11

Analysis on the Setting Key Factors in the Science and Technology Inducement Prize System:Based on the Content of the 135 international Science and Technology Inducement Prizes
摘要 科技悬赏奖是指为解决某一特定领域难题而专门征集科技创新成果的一种非周期性奖励制度安排,其设置是一个复杂的过程,能否成功受一系列因素的影响,具有整体性、系统性、关联性等特征。运用文本内容分析法,分析135项科技悬赏奖的设置特点,认为其在设置过程中有7大关键因素,即悬赏任务发布主体的权威性,参与悬赏的准入标准,参赛者动机与激励方式、风险及行为,解决悬赏难题所需运用知识的隐性程度,悬赏设计标准具体化程度,悬赏过程的可沟通反馈性,悬赏结束后技术成果的转化等,研究结论可为建立科学合理、运作高效的科学资助体系提供依据。 Science and technology inducement prize(STIP)is non-periodic prize system which collects high-tech achievements in order to solve a specific problem.Its’ setting process is complex,which success depends on a series of factors,has the characteristics of integrity,systematic,relevance and so on.Using text analysis method to analyze the set of 135 prize in science and technology reward,summing up the seven key factors in the process of setting,namely:the authority of organizers in release the task;the entry criteria of participate in reward;motivation of the contestants and the means of incentives;risks of contestants face and behaviors;the extent of tacit knowledge needed by solving the difficult problem;the specific degree of the design standards;reward having communication and feedback in the process;the technical achievements transformation after the rewards;so as to establish the scientific funding system which is scientific,reasonable and operating efficiently.
作者 曾婧婧 王巧
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第6期102-109,共8页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(71503268) 中国博士后科学基金第八批特别项目(2015T80810) 中国博士后科学基金第56批面上项目(2014M560610) 中南财经政法大学教学改革研究项目(YB2014021) 中南财经政法大学实验教学研究项目(SY201431)
关键词 科技悬赏奖 项目资助体系 内容分析法 关键因素 Science and Technology Inducement Prize the System of Funding Content Analusis Key Factors
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