
专利运营基金:域外实践与本土探索 被引量:11

Patent Operation Fund:Foreign Practice and Local Exploration
摘要 开放式创新加速了价值链的专业化分工,专利价值的实现方式也呈现多元化趋势,各种新兴的专利基金不断塑造出崭新的商业模式。对国外典型专利基金类型进行了系统分析,梳理了中国政府近年来在促进专利基金运营方面的政策努力,选取深圳中彩联科技有限公司、天津滨海国际知识产权交易所和睿创专利运营基金为样本,探讨了本土专利基金的实践探索与运营瓶颈。在《专利法》第四次修改的背景下,具体从专利运营的政策优化、专利诉讼的法律因应、专利投资的风险管控以及专利滥用的反垄断规制4个层面,提出了专利运营基金的完善路径。 Open innovation has accelerated the specialization division of the value chain.The implementation of patent value also presents the trend of diversification.A new business model is created to match varieties of new patent funds.This paper makes a systematic analysis on the typical foreign patent fund types and the policy about promoting the operation of patent funds in China.It selects three companies as a sample to study bottlenecks of the local patent funds,namely,Shenzhen Zhongcai joint technology Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin Binhai International Intellectual Property Rights Exchange and Rui Chong patent operational funds.Under the background of the fourth amendment of the patent law,the paper puts forward the pass of the improvement of patent operation fund from the four aspects:the patent operation policy optimization,the legal result of patent litigation,the risk control of the patent investment and the anti monopoly regulation of patent abuse.
出处 《科技进步与对策》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期56-61,共6页 Science & Technology Progress and Policy
基金 教育部人文社科青年项目(12YJC630139 12JYCZH089)
关键词 开放式创新 专利基金 专利诉讼 专利市场 Open Innovation Patent Fund Patent Litigation Patent Market
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