Through analyzing the statistical data of natural disasters between 1949 and 2008 in shandong province,find that there are six kinds of disasters occurred more frequency and can cause a large losses and the six kinds of natural disasters have obvious spatial and temporal distribution characteristics. From the point of spatial distribution, drought disaster areas are mainly concentrated in the west of shandong —northwest of Shandong and central of shandong province; Flooding area is mainly distributed in the southern and southeast inland of the province, etc; Frost and cold wave occurs more in the north,the northeast and the inland of jiaodong peninsula; Hailstorm areas are mainly distributed in south-central hilly area and southwest area;The typhoon area mainly focused on the jiaodong peninsula and the south-east coastal areas. From the point of time distribution, the drought disaster is given priority to spring-drought,and sometimes appear in winter and spring.Flooding mainly in summer and autumn and the frost disasters mainly appears in winter and early spring while cold disasters mainly appear in the autumn and winter. In addition, Hailstorm mainly appeared in the late spring and early summer and typhoon disasters mainly appear in the fall. Then in the view of the characteristics of natural disaster distribution in shandong province, put forward to the Disaster Prevention Countermeasures such as strengthen the construction of agricultural infrastructure、improve the ability of forecasting the early warning system for natural disasters.
Hubei Agricultural Sciences
Natural disasters
lows of time-space distribution
Disaster prevention and mitigation
Shandong province