通过连续3年定点10户菇农,对不同栽培方式的灰树花、相对应菌棒、覆土用土壤中的有害重金属、硒(Se)、农药残留等指标检测发现,秋季第2茬覆土灰树花中的铅(Pb)含量为2.81 mg·kg^(-1),超过GB2762—2012食品中污染物限量中食用菌Pb含量≤1.0 mg·kg^(-1)的规定,究其原因,覆土土壤Pb含量较高,土壤中Pb通过菌棒吸收,富集于灰树花中。通过第2茬改用无土栽培方式,生产的灰树花Pb含量降至0.12mg·kg^(-1),符合国标规定。不同栽培方式灰树花中多菌灵、呋喃丹、溴氰菊酯、联苯菊酯、甲氰菊酯、高效氯氰菊酯残留均未检出,镉(Cd)含量符合GB 2762—2012的规定。第2茬覆土灰树花中,Se含量高达0.200 mg·kg^(-1),菌棒灰树花、第2茬无土栽培灰树花均富含硒,分别高达0.080,0.133 mg·kg^(-1)。无土栽培的灰树花和覆土栽培的产量基本持平,收入却增加了1倍多。通过不同栽培方式下灰树花对有害重金属、农药残留、Se含量的比较,为灰树花质量安全控制提供技术支撑。
In order to find out the differences among Grifola frondosa with different cultivation methods,monitoring was conducted for 3 years in 10 growers. Both heavy metals and pesticide residues in spring Grifola frondosa,autumn Grifola frondosa with overlying soil,autumn Grifola frondosa without overlying soil,and their corresponding culture media were determined. The results showed that Pb content in autumn Grifola frondosa with overlying soil was 2. 81mg·kg^-1,exceeding the maximum limit( 1. 0 mg·kg^-1) set in GB 2762—2012,which may be caused by the high concentration of Pb in overlying soil. The cultivation method of autumn Grifola frondosa without overlying soil could control the enrichment of Pb. The result also showed that Pb concentration in autumn Grifola frondosa without overlying soil was 0. 120 mg·kg^-1,which was within the maximum limit. The organophosphorus,organochlorine,pyrethroid and carbamate pesticide residues in spring Grifola frondosa,autumn Grifola frondosa with overlying soil,au-tumn Grifola frondosa without overlying soil were not detected. Se contents in autumn Grifola frondosa with overlying soil,spring Grifola frondosa,autumn Grifola frondosa without overlying soil were 0. 200,0. 080,0. 133 mg·kg^-1,respectively. The cultivation method of autumn Grifola frondosa without overlying soil could block the enrichment of Pb through the culture medium. The Pb,Cd,carbendazim,carbofuran,deltamethrin,bifenthrin,fenpropathrin,beta cypermethrin in Grifola frondosa without overlying soil was within the national standard. Grifola frondosa cultivated without overlying soil had the same yield as with overlying soil,but the income was doubled. In conclusion,concentrations of heavy metals,pesticide residues and Se in Grifola frondosa with different culture medium were determined in the present stuty,and the results may provide technical support for quality and safety control of Grifola frondosa cultivation.
Acta Agriculturae Zhejiangensis
Grifola frondosa
pesticide residue
harmful heavy metals