

Space-time Transformation of Public Cultural Goods and Evolution of Government's Cultural Function
摘要 公共文化物品的时空流转影响了政府文化职能的结构和功能的演化。从时间轴来看,公共文化物品从无到有,范围不断扩大;从空间轴来看,在全球媒介特别是互联网时代,公共文化物品已突破国界限制,向虚拟空间和他国空间延伸。由此政府文化职能也经历了从无到有,文化管理结构不断制度化和功能殊化的过程。随着公共文化物品空间的延伸,文化安全越来越重要,政府文化职能的统治性职能与服务性职能因此呈现并重发展的趋向。 The transformation of public cultural goods in time and space affects the structure and function of the government' s cultural functions : the loss of public cultural goods determines whether the government has cultur- al management; the structural expansion of public cultural goods determines the complexity and institutional devel- opment of the government' s cultural management structure. China should improve the government' s cultural man- agement system and governance capacity, and should pay attention to the government' s cultural functions, and deal with the contradiction between the state intervention and the cultural market.
作者 黄旭
出处 《广州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2016年第2期52-57,共6页 Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition
基金 国家社科基金重大招标项目(14ZDA057) 广东省哲学社会科学项目(GD15CMK02) 广州市哲学社会科学项目(14Q07) 广州市属高校社科项目(1201421015)
关键词 公共文化物品 时空转换 政府文化职能 国家干预 文化市场化 文化安全 互联网时代 public cultural goods space-time transformation government functions state intervention cultur-al market cultural security internet age
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